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Eye of the Predator (Hawkeye)

Posted: 06/07/2004 - 1:05
by RushJet1
Hey - what would happen if an NES-music artist tried to remix a commordore64 song?

That's the first third or so of the song - I am already working on the 2nd part (and that first third is missing a decent amount right now). I'm using MML to make that song. Any comments are appreciated...

Posted: 09/07/2004 - 0:59
by DaveT
I'm sorry if this is going to sound a little harsh...
You've taken my absolute favorite SID tune ever and managed to make me delete a remix for the first time ever!
You simply didn't capture the feel of the music, sorry. I've heard a LOT of Hawkeye remixes but never have I herad someone nearly double the tempo of the song under a schyzo beat... please, take a bit of time and search for Hawkeye remixes at RKO and listen to DHS, Stainless Steel or O2... even Axeman version.
It's supposed to be slow, not racing like a mad driver.and even if you want to make it very upbeat do all the rest but the main tune... it totally spoils it otherwise.
But that's just me, please go ahead and remix it, it's a wonderfull tune, a true C64 classic that still doesn't have a definitive remix, I just think you shouldn't go the path you're heading...

Posted: 09/07/2004 - 2:19
by RushJet1
Which version did you download, V1, 2, or 3? I changed a LOT in 3 and will also have more different stuff when I release it (the beat that the first half develops into isn't quite as frantic).

Posted: 09/07/2004 - 7:26
by tas
the link didn't work for me?

Posted: 09/07/2004 - 17:25
by Waz
DaveT wrote: I've heard a LOT of Hawkeye remixes but never have I herad someone nearly double the tempo of the song under a schyzo beat...
I think the nature of the title tune of Hawkeye leads itself to a slower tempo, and if done in a classical or emotional way, then it really does capture the feel of the piece.

I don't really think the fast techno style of this is the way to go, and that's after taking in to consideration the limits of the NES's sound chip. Some of the in game tunes would suit a fast pace (try subtunes 7 to 12 of the SID for those) as it tends to lend itself more to that sort of style.

However, whatever you do, RushJet, do have fun and also note there are plenty of C64 tunes that do suit a fast paced stylee, which would be an interesting arrangement on a NES. Go for it!

I do think that you have used the NES sound chip well, it's the arrangement that people might not like now. For those of us who are familiar with the C64 tune and game it's more sacred than those who have posted comments on your web site, so do bear that in mind.

Posted: 09/07/2004 - 20:55
by Markus Schneider
I have worked on 2 different versions: a slow, emotional orchestral version and a march orchestral version. The latter is nearly finalized.
I never released any of them, because I think it never worked to capture the feeling from Hawkeye.
My personal impression is that this is due to the very bad builded melodies, very huge range and much to fast played. This works on synth (like SID) but very hard to capture to the real world :wink:
Anyway as a SID it is still one of my favs ...

Posted: 11/07/2004 - 15:35
by RushJet1
Well I've released it, even if you all hate me for it :P

Posted: 16/07/2004 - 13:40
by Infamous
ive reviewed it over at vgm and have to say that it is a novel take on the whole sid idea.. 8bit to 8bit.

its cleverly done and apart from a few minor tempo issue's its a pretty authentic crossover and has managed to find its way in a place on my hard-drive as i said over at vgm goodwork rush.

have a listen people .. you might like it.