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Rob Hubbard isn't coming...

Posted: 20/07/2004 - 22:47
by Chris Abbott
Pressing personal reasons mean that Rob won't be coming to this BIT Live.


Posted: 21/07/2004 - 1:28
by tas
tis a shame :(

Posted: 21/07/2004 - 8:10
by Bog
Suckage most foul!

Still... it means there won't be a hand stuck in the air all during the performance this time ;)

Posted: 21/07/2004 - 9:04
by tas
damn, thats a double shame ;)

Posted: 28/07/2004 - 3:37
by Matrix
LMFAO !!!!

Posted: 28/07/2004 - 16:11
by Subzero
More importantly - subzero isnt coming :wink:

Posted: 28/07/2004 - 16:35
by Infamous
now if ever there was a reason TO go.... ;-);-) lolol...
only joking steve m8 hehe.

Posted: 28/07/2004 - 17:48
by tas
now, you told me you was serious inf ;)

Posted: 03/08/2004 - 15:30
by zerozillion
argh :(

Posted: 22/08/2004 - 2:49
by madfiddler
Tis a shame.. Didn't get much of a chance to speak to him last time... Mind you, at least he won't have electric pianos falling on his head this time then ;)

Posted: 22/08/2004 - 3:09
by Matrix
Ya know, its wierd mark, i remember looking at Dr Future, n' saying "thats gonna go... the teeth arent gripping right on the stand" ..... i heard some1 behind me say . "Nahhhhhhhhhhhh"... less that 10 mins l8r - WHOOMFF !! down it went :)

And Rob carried on like a consumate professional :D

!! FUN !! lol - but i bet the owner of the keyboard had a mild heartattack lol ... whoever it was.

Posted: 22/08/2004 - 3:14
by madfiddler
I agree, very professional... I threw an electric through a window once when a string broke in my favourite solo...

Posted: 22/08/2004 - 3:29
by Matrix
OUCH !!!

I almost rocked over a Yamaha HX-1 Organ at my first public performance lol - MAN was i nervous !!

Posted: 22/08/2004 - 12:09
by Subzero
I fell and skint my knee after a concert, does that count?
