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C64 Ringtones !

Posted: 21/08/2004 - 17:59
by HeadingtonBard
Hi All ! :D

I understand that some Polyphonic Ringtones will be available at Back in Time Live - London 2004 ( Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend due to me recently moving to America ) Will they be available to buy from the C64 Audio Website ? I have a Motorola V60i through the Preypay T-Mobile, I bet the Ringtones would sound great !

Thanks !

HeadingtonBard / A.K.A. - Alex

Posted: 21/08/2004 - 18:35
by Chris Abbott
Yep, pretty soon now: just waiting for a file to be uploaded to a content server.

Since the ringtones were tested on a Motorola 525 (amongst other things), I can pretty much guarantee you'll be pleased at what you get :)


Posted: 21/08/2004 - 18:52
by Subzero
I've got a nice ringtone of skate or die :)

Posted: 21/08/2004 - 20:33
by Steve B
Chris Abbott wrote:Since the ringtones were tested on a Motorola 525 (amongst other things), I can pretty much guarantee you'll be pleased at what you get :)Chris
they sound bloody fantastic on the n-gage

Posted: 26/08/2004 - 8:58
by Rohality

where can i get 64 ringtones?
I use a Sony Ericsson T630 and would be very happy if i get some cool c64 tunes for that!

Any ideas where to get such things?

Thanks in advance.


Posted: 26/08/2004 - 15:12
by Chris Abbott
> Any ideas where to get such things?
From me. In about two weeks. Or free at Back in Time Live, September 11th!


Posted: 26/08/2004 - 15:48
by Rohality

I will count the days... ;-)


Posted: 26/08/2004 - 18:09
by Matrix
My 2p is in my sig :)

And soon i will be producing mobile wallpapers to go with Chris's ringtones :)

Posted: 26/08/2004 - 19:45
by Subzero
Ere chris, ive got a crappy phone - make sure they work with crappy phones OK

Posted: 27/08/2004 - 8:41
by Zzapback
subzero wrote:Ere chris, ive got a crappy phone - make sure they work with crappy phones OK
You'll get some Speccy tunes then. 8)

Posted: 27/08/2004 - 14:02
by Chris Abbott
Subby: Which phone again?


Posted: 28/08/2004 - 0:54
by HeadingtonBard
Chris Abbott wrote:Yep, pretty soon now: just waiting for a file to be uploaded to a content server.

Since the ringtones were tested on a Motorola 525 (amongst other things), I can pretty much guarantee you'll be pleased at what you get :)

Will they work with Pre-Pay T-Mobile users in the USA ? I seem to be having problems with a restricted WAP service, T-Mobile won't give any good reason for this. Plus ... I am unable to get any Ringtones Composer Software for my Motorola T720i ! What a Bummer ! :cry:

Thanks ! :D

Posted: 28/08/2004 - 1:28
by tas
Crappy phone!!!

it was formally SEGA phone, but got took over by Crappy inc. ;)

Posted: 28/08/2004 - 8:08
by Chris Abbott
> Will they work with Pre-Pay T-Mobile users in the USA ?
Well, if it doesn't, then we can maybe sort something out with an EMS Message... a pity that phone doesn't support MMS.

What's your mobile number? I feel an experiment coming on...
(feel free to email it to me using the email link button below)

Posted: 28/08/2004 - 8:18
by Chris Abbott
> Plus ... I am unable to get any Ringtones Composer Software
> for my Motorola T720i !
If you're careful, you can use any MIDI sequencer... but if it's mono ringtones, then you just find something on the PC that supports the "IMelody" format, create your own mono track and then just transfer the resulting "IMY" file over.

Otherwise transfer over a standard polyphone SMF MIDI file.

The reason my new ringtones are better than the C64 MIDI files on the net (a lot of which are also mine) are:

1) better programmed (Rob Hubbard performs on the Crazy Comets ringtone, since it's a reprise of his BIT 1 performance)

2) Written the phones in mind (i.e., the right length, and taking into account the capabilities of the multiple phones out there)... if you don't edit them you just get the intro every time.

3) A lot of them are based directly on the MIDI files for previous CD tracks.
