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Matrix Revolutions

Posted: 27/08/2004 - 10:43
by LMan
There's just one thing I can say about this movie:


(rant following)

Matrix 1 had managed to score #3 among my all time favourite movies, but Matrix 2 & 3 somewhat tainted that, too. Where Matrix 1 had an intelligent story supported by some nice special fx, the sequels are just an array of special-fx gallores, taking place in a very very unrealistic surrounding, plodding on with a weak fantasy story.
If you'd get a cent for every bullet fired in Matrix 3, you'd surely have enough money to last for the rest of your lifetime, it really gets tiring after a while.

When will hollywood directors finally come to their senses and don't spoil movies by even more bombastic Special FX and stunts? IMO a movie lives essentially from it's credibility. By adding too many superhuman actions performed by regular humans, it loses all authenticy. Matrix 1 managed not to (or only insignifically) cross the borderline of what we could imagine possible. The sequels do that severely, just by the presentation of Zion.

There are examples of great open endings (like Blade Runner), Matirx isn't. It's an overall unsatisfying ending. Even the 2 Euros I had to pay at the video rental was too much for this crap (didn't even bother to wach #3 at the movies after the debacle that was #2).

Watched "I, Robot" at the cinema on wednesday, that movie really rocked (apart from a few exaggerated action scenes ;) )

(rant over)

- Markus

Posted: 27/08/2004 - 12:27
by Matrix
Ergo, Quid Pro Quo, E-Plurabus Unem, Concordidly & Indupidably Infeasable with the Construct of the mindset purposed by and thereby part of the whole given that you as the counpunded living edificitic error, the untimed unleashed unknown factor cant follow a damn thing im going on about will inevitable and expectedly choose the forum to your left.... ergo that is where you will concurrently post, ergo that is where you should be because that is where you are....

Failing that check out the chronicles of Riddick - i THOUGHROUGHLY enjoyed it, but SO Totally avoid Catwoman..... nice arse in that suit and some good CGI, but the story sucked more than fishtank cleaner in turbo mode.

Oh ya, and its got your favorite Matrix Miriovangian french guy in it too ;)

Re: Matrix Revolutions

Posted: 27/08/2004 - 14:37
by CraigG
LMan / Remix64 wrote:When will hollywood directors finally come to their senses and don't spoil movies by even more bombastic Special FX and stunts?
More to the point, when will Hollywood learn to resist making sequels to films that work perfectly well as standalones? I winced when hearing about plans to film 28 Weeks Later, because 28 Days Later works so well as it is.

Posted: 27/08/2004 - 23:15
by xo
LMan, I agree, Matrix 1 is best. I also agree that I, Robot is good, I saw it twice (perhaps not that good, but still very well made and a good story.)

Matrix, I'm gonna see Chronicles of Riddick and I'm looking forward to it. I loved Pitch Black and it seems that is some sort of precursor to this movie or the main character is the same!?

I also quite liked Pay Check, though I didn't expect I would.

ps. I, Robot: those robot statues in front of the company building look like Oscar statues to me, or at least that's the association I get.

Posted: 27/08/2004 - 23:35
by tas
I have to agree, in fact i have to whole-heartedly agree. I found 2 and 3 quite aweful, yet i also enjoyed 1.

i saw another follow up at the cinema reciently called "Born Supremacy", and i actually fell asleep in the middle of the film!!! Talk about a film with absolutely zero storyline!

infact over the last 3 years you can count these hi on effects and low on substance films using a calculator.

I saw I, Robot and was quite impressed by it, nice to see Will Smith finally acting in a movie he's capable of doing!

Posted: 27/08/2004 - 23:47
by xo
Tas, you fell asleep? That makes it pretty bad. I've done it once as well, duing Star Gate, but the movie isn't that bad so I must've been pretty tired. :)

Posted: 27/08/2004 - 23:55
by CraigG
I also thought Bourne Supremacy was terrible, and cannot understand why it got so many good reviews (even Guardian said it was worth seeing). Oh well.

Posted: 28/08/2004 - 0:13
by Maindrian
Ack! Movie topic... Must... Get... Involved!

I cannot wait to see Chronicles of Riddick. Pitch Black was one of the best sleeper hits of recent years. The best part was that my favourite trio of characters survived. The crossdresser, the priest and the best anti-hero since Snake Plisken. Everyone who got on my tits died. Result!

I'm not looking forward to Alien Vs. Predator though. With a director like Paul "Mortal Kombat" Anderson making it, how can it be anything other than crap? I shall see it anyway, a double standard, but I'm such a huge fan of both franchises. I just hope it's not so bad it puts me off ever watching either again.

Oh yeah, I-Robot did rock. I want one of those robots, they were cute.

Posted: 28/08/2004 - 1:50
by Matrix
Chronicles of Riddick (Pitch Black 2) : will NOT dissapoint.... uber strong storyline and more action than you can shake a clapperboard at.. Karl (Eomer) Urbn is in it as one of the commander bad guys with rebel thoughts... The binbt from MI:2 is in it, thany newton or sumthin - she looks quite the piece in that little skintight number :)

Prepare for the hotest fire, the meanest dogs, the hardest nut-jobs and the cutest bird ever to grace a prison complex :)

INCREDIBLE Special FX and story had me on the edge of my seat all the way thru :D


I-Robot rocked too, but i saw the ending coming from like, the middle of the film.... and didnt anyone thing those robot dispatch vehicles looked remotely like the ones from Star Wars Phantom Menace ?

My SciFi forum is here... in case anyone is interested :) ... l?board=mv

Posted: 28/08/2004 - 2:22
by Maindrian
Actually, I was making all kinds of wrong guesses all the way through I-Robot. Like one of those old who-done-it movies with Hercule Poirot. I wasn't surprised about who did murder the old man, but boy did I suspect everyone along the way. In that respect, it did what it set out to do.

Back to the topic, yes Matrix:Reloaded and Revolutions were dissapointing, but nowhere near as bad as the empty feeling I got when I left the cinema for Kill Bill Vol.2. I couldn't believe how boring, talky and dull it was after the adreno-fest that was part 1. The showdown with Bill was non-existent. Why god? After all that wait! Tarantino must have gone out of his fucking mind. Dreadful.

Did somebody say something about 28 WEEKS Later? Somebody shoot me now. :cry:

Posted: 28/08/2004 - 11:23
by merman
What I can't believe is that they've released a new DVD edition of Pitch Black to tie in with Chronicles of Riddick. Then you've got the Matrix-style anime, action figures, lunch-box...

The review I read said Chronicles is nowhere near as good - in fact, it's one long cliché.

Posted: 28/08/2004 - 11:32
by Matrix
What u guys should understand is that its all down to personal taste... These reviewers will have tastes too, and they have to review everything their editor tells them to... SO, if you get a reviewer that hates SciFi abut Loves French Film-Noir, its gonna get a crappy rating... buy a copy of SFX and its the most amazing thing since sliced bread - of if u want to be bored to tears, go watch some film-noir....


Dont believe everything you read... Every film that ive seen that ppl said was sucky, ive loved.... and ones ive seen where such pricks as Jonathan Ross aid was AMAZING (SOLARIS is one) completely bored my brain from my skull and sent it to the moon on vacation in deep freeze mode.

C R A P & B O R I N G

So if I want a review of a thing i like (sciFi in my case), i pick up a scifi mag, not a copy of the guardian with some overpaid twat n a suit trying to make or break the film. while trying to get himself more money, look sophisticated, a rep, and of course ..... looking good.

Its utter garbage... The only time id read the Guardian reviews is if i was peeling it off my show after making the attempt to wipe canaine-excrement off ... and it would have to have BIG PRINT ... one word is ledgible maybe ? thats as much as i can stomache the Guardian.

Posted: 28/08/2004 - 15:21
by xo
Solaris was quite boring, you're right. I saw another sci-fi lately. The plot was something along the lines of a crew went to mars, then crashed and to get back home they had to sacrifice some crew members. I can't be sure coz it bored me so much I didn't watch it half-way through.

As for the plot of I, Robot: sure, I suspect many got the fealing that VIKI might be a bad femputer but there are other possibilities so its not obvious what will happen, its just one possibility.

I hope Chronicles of Riddick will be as good as you say.

Posted: 31/08/2004 - 23:00
by Maindrian
Chronicles of Riddick (Pitch Black 2) : will NOT dissapoint.... uber strong storyline and more action than you can shake a clapperboard at.. Karl (Eomer) Urbn is in it as one of the commander bad guys with rebel thoughts... The binbt from MI:2 is in it, thany newton or sumthin - she looks quite the piece in that little skintight number

Prepare for the hotest fire, the meanest dogs, the hardest nut-jobs and the cutest bird ever to grace a prison complex

INCREDIBLE Special FX and story had me on the edge of my seat all the way thru
I done saw it... I'm sorry Matrix, I don't agree. As a stand alone film it was okay, but as a sequel to Pitch Black, it fails. The first film at least had some grounding in reality, this was over the top, epic-style space-opera. In fact, it reminded me of David Lynch's Dune. Thats not a good thing. And what the hell was Judi Dench doing in it? I mean, apart from being a walking (floating?) exposition device?

The action was to choppy. That's my big gripe with action movies these days, cutting simple action into so many tiny flash shots that it makes no sense whatsoever. For instance, the fight on the Crematoria runway. The sun is rising, ready to burn all before it, Riddick is facing up to a crapload of soldiers, we get ready for a kickass action scene and then... Flashflashflashflashflash... So many random images flicking onto the screen, people hitting eachother, shooting at eachother, so badly cut together that you can't tell who's who. Same problem with the big final fight, the action was moving so fast I couldn't keep up, even though there were only two people fighting. Bollocks.

It had its good points. I really liked the ending, very ambiguous. It did leave me wondering what would happen next. Riddick is still cool even with a beard and tramp hair. Some welcome returning characters... Yeah, it was worth the ticket price, but I won't be hunting the DVD down.

Bah, just give me money. I'll make my own sodding movies. Then I'll show 'em how it's done. :evil:

Posted: 31/08/2004 - 23:18
by tas
>>In fact, it reminded me of David Lynch's Dune. Thats not a good thing.

get out of here... it's a classic!!!