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Posted: 12/09/2004 - 17:25
by RetroMarkie
Just a thought here but it seems to me that there is a massive foundness for BIT... this is shared by all of us. We have my RV shows, Jagfest, CGE and BIT! The is somthing that I set up in order to keep track of these live events and give them as much publicity as possible.

Now, lets talk money here shall we, we all know that BIT lost a few quid right, well... so does my RV events and so on... how can we combat this? I personally think in the case of BIT we should basically support the things we love. So, perhaps we could all make efforts to push sales of CD's, DVD's and all that. If we have websites lets ALL carry the logo's. Either BIT or RetroGamesWorld logo's. The whole scene needs support and each event is as important as the other.

Idea's for pushing is what we need. We ALL want another BIT dont we. ok, how do we achieve this? As a group we could achieve anything. Donation funds purely aimed at live shows is a poss too? I'd happily back a BIT donation fund, if Chris started it now I'm convinced that over the next 12-18 months there would be enough cash to bump start another gig.

Anyway, just my thoughts, I just cant stand to see this thing never happen again. If I were a millionaire I write a cheque right now for a whole event, but I'm not a millionaire by any means...

Long live the Retro scene... it's ours so lets look after it as best we can.

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 17:53
by Matrix
Its a grand idea man... ive been carrying and advertising BIT for AGES on my retro forums, and they are heavily spidered by google.

On the flipside, if all 200 of the attendees at last nights event were to cough up say £50 each, that would give you about 10 grand to get started with... SO heres my extension on your idea....

Setup a members only BIT Site - Membership is £50 - within are details of the next BIT Live... BUT this info only get on the site when 200 members are paid up... that gives Chris the financial base to at least get started - i think its a bad idea to set a date until there ARE 200 signees...

AND - if theres going to be that many - it needs to be started NOW while ppl are still languishing in the fun that was last nights event - you can have my £50 right now....

Id also suggest... event sponsorship .... like when ppl goto puter events like GameStars live i did the week before at the ExCeL in Docklands... i wore a BITLive Tag.... t-shirts would be great for things like that - a festival with nothing but gamers in the room U KIDDIN ME !! LOL ... id have done one myself but ran out of time, so i had to make do with the tag.... still, plenty looked :) Anyway - we need BITLIVE T-Shirts making up, no date, but just advertising the main points and the site.

Id also suggest better marketting, for longer and in more places.... for example, retro forums worldwide, Usenet etc etc etc.... were only reaching a core audience really, and we need to be reaching much further out.

For those who paid their £50 members fee, there should be freebies at the event bought with extra cash and profits AFTER the event... also free bar at the venue ;)

What ya think to that ;)

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 18:00
by RetroMarkie
My £50 is ready here then... Mr Abbott? Your thoughts?

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 18:17
by rambones
Sadly, and naturally, any pub is not suited for doing serious conversations. People have all kinds of things in their heads, and this and that old friend or new one is fucking up the straight thinking - your go along with your feelings, which are fueled by more and more beers.

So, to do anything, the way that it's actually gonna lead to anything contructive and serious.

We need a meeting.

Physical one.

The forum is good for brainstroming ideas, but in the end, you can't get all angles covered, cause you have no INDEX for any if the information.

It all becomes blurry, and spontaneous.

I am suggesting, that the brainstorming forum discuss things for a period, say 3 months ?

Then those who want to take some kind of responsibilitise, start to do that.

After some organizing with private mails, we can then start to have a PLAN for a MEETING, that is 99% set, what it's about.

No messing around on feelings and beers, try to be a pro - pick an area that you know you have a real talent for, and let CHRIS know. And let anyone know.

Without blabbering.. hard..

Try and step back from it all for a while, and make a structure in your head with your ideas.

Teamwork IS the key, but doing effective things over the net, only works if you at least had 1-2 meetings and many many mails, so you know eachother.

Otherwise you get stuck in presumptions, ass-uming things that have no real base of facts. (as said by The Shark, David Greiman).

That's my 2 cents...

I don't know what you do, but I 'program', so :

1) get facts
2) get materials
3) can be done, yes no ?
4) get needed materials
5) implement
6) test
7) test


This kind of shit programming is because of writing in a forum, if this was a real meeting in an orderly fashion, it all would be much more clearer to format for anyone.

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 18:20
by Benn
I'd be grateful for replies to my just-posted "Honest Opinions" thread essay :)


Posted: 12/09/2004 - 18:32
by hyperhack
Looks like the COGS are already turning!

Some good ideas there! sounds positive to me, my only criticism is £50 is probably a bit steep and although I would be half tempted to fork out that myself (being a diehard fan) maybe my other friends who would normally attend probably wouldnt fork out that much.

Lets not overlook that one of the factors for poor turnout this year was because the ticket prices were a lot more expensive than the Brighton gig. I know this couldnt be helped but we want to attract more people in future really and not put them off.

I'm already trying to get more people interested in the C64 remix scene by pointing them to retro sites like yours and and that seems to have an effect. Doesnt seem to be enough to turn them to the C64 side tho at the moment. I can see why Chris has such a hard time of it recently.

Remember that BIT Live is a product developed by Chris Abbott and we need to find ways to market that without getting stung in the pocket. Someone needs to hassle these media companies into listening, newspapers, magazines, tv stations all need to be pestered. I like the idea of wearing t shirts to get awareness. I made one especially for BIT2004 and I will put the URL on the back so people can see what its about. Put posters in your windows, shop windows. I'm sure if we all did that it will bring more people into the scene. It's unconcieveable I know, but there is probably old C64 fans out there that just dont know about this! I was a diehard fan and I only got in on it thru renegade_si back in 2003 so I missed the others! didnt realise this scene existed!

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 18:39
by Matrix
I was the same till 2002... then from that moment on i just knew i HAD to get involved in some way - that lead me to make the posters n dvd cover n stuff... a shame ive been dogged by system issues this year which prevented a banner being made for the exchange... i built a new system, rescued the existing one, spent ages rescuing data from a dead hard drive with a lod of my work on it, bought an old p2-350 just to get online and post in forums... been a tough year....

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 18:50
by RetroMarkie
£50 is a lot... but in effect will start idea's ... I dont know exactly how to do things. Running Retrovision is very different to BIT.

My bottom line is "Keep Retro Alive" and "LIVE" ... how we do this is a matter of trying...

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 18:52
by Matrix
What about monthly subscription, works for magazines and star wars hyperspace site and xbox live etc ?

£50 would then be less than a fiver a month - im sure EVERYONE can do that :D

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 18:54
by RetroMarkie
Matrix wrote:What about monthly subscription, works for magazines and star wars hyperspace site and xbox live etc ?

£50 would then be less than a fiver a month - im sure EVERYONE can do that :D
true ...

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 19:14
by Subzero
llamasoft forums have the retrovision travel fund - cant these forums have a bitlive event fund then?

Im sure as sugar i'd put money in, still pissed off i missed this years.

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 19:35
by merman
Maybe a performer/celebrity travel fund makes more sense? Getting THEM to the venue is just as important as getting the FANS there.

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 20:20
by Chris Abbott
* reply to this moved to BIT Live 2k5 thread *

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 21:50
by Bog
my only criticism is £50 is probably a bit steep and although I would be half tempted to fork out that myself (being a diehard fan) maybe my other friends who would normally attend probably wouldnt fork out that much.
£50 is one day's work at Burger King. They pay about £7 an hour.

If you can't give one day's work at Burger King to the cause, out of your year's labours, then I'm fscking sorry for you.

Where do I sign up?

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 23:43
by hyperhack
yeah but dont u have to be the manager of the place or be female and shagging the manager to get the £50 a day bog? :lol: