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Posted: 12/09/2004 - 21:29
by Chris Abbott
It occurred to me that there's no credits list for BIT Live, so I'd like to publicly say some huge thanks. It's kind of unfair to single people out, but it would be more unfair to ignore the people who have done great deeds.

to Skitz, who tirelessly sorted out the technical details, HD recorder, event recording, etc, and who basically made it so that I didnt 'have to worry about the front of house, the video recording, or anything like that. To top it off, he also contributed a huge amount AND helped out with the financing AND helped on the webpage!

Kenz was also a main man behind the scene, as always working on the webpage, logos, and the posters.

Boz was a main man, not only for help with financing but by taking a huge weight off my shoulders when I needed it most. *sniff*

And of course all the performers, who were doing it for the joy of it. And madfiddler: half dead with a chest infection and he pulls THAT off... and Ben doing all that on four hours of sleep, spent doing musical bits for the band... Jon for saving our ass bass-wise, Marcel for being a rock, Andreas for organising and drumming, PPOT who contributed money to the concert to make it happen... the Mafia, who were self-sustaining, and Visa R, who made the venue sound so beautiful and look so pretty ;-)

Also Octave, of course, Neil Carr for donating loads of CDs to the VIPs and also being there at the right time to unload the van into the venue along with his on-the-way-to-the-pub gang. Everyone who helped load again at the end of the night... you guys probably saved me from being ill this time round, since after a BIT Live with heavy lifting I always lose two weeks being ill...

Also Bog, Dave Masters, Gazl, Matrix and Sandra (nice poster!), the guy who did the SID80s video loop... and this is the point at which I run out of names. There'll probably be loads of edits to this post...

Special thanks to Tanya for putting up with the madness and having faith in the vision. Whatever it was.

{none yet}


Posted: 12/09/2004 - 21:45
by renegade_si
...and of course well done yet again to yourself Chris - without you, none of ANY of this would have happened.

You know of course what Sir Redgrave said after his last but one gold medal performance - if anyone sees me in another boat you can shoot me, then 4 years later.....

Give it a few weeks, and I'm sure Tanya will understand.

We will :)

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 21:47
by hyperhack
Don't forget to give yourself a pat on the back Chris!

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 21:53
by Bog
I don't deserve thanks - I owe you thanks, Chris. You, the bands, and the people who turned up... I damned well love you all.

Thanks for letting me know I wasn't alone, beleiving in something beautiful.

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 22:25
by fnordpojk
Yes, thanks Chris for a wonderful event (my first, so I don't have anything to compare with except other "normal" concerts, but this rocked those right out!).

Also, thanks Skitz for putting up with us silly SLAY Radio people pestering you about audio feeds, running out in the middle of the day to find a proper sound card, not blowing up at me being in the way constantly, etc etc. You're the man!

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 22:43
by skitz
fnordpojk wrote:Also, thanks Skitz for putting up with us silly SLAY Radio people pestering you about audio feeds, running out in the middle of the day to find a proper sound card, not blowing up at me being in the way constantly, etc etc. You're the man!
Hey!! I am SLAY RADIO people too! I even had the T-Shirt to prove it! It was a little tight in the FoH and it only became a problem when I was trying to set-up for the first act :) In the end we had to use PPOT's laptop for their set so it became very tight over that side.... I am only sorry that the feed wasn't mixed so well but unfortunately the PA guys had a lot on their plate with the actual show.....

Thanks must go to yourself and Slaygon for getting everything ready in record time! The Audigy 2 NX will definately not go to waste in my set-up either - it's not a bad sound card on a system with USB2!

Posted: 12/09/2004 - 22:45
by fnordpojk
skitz wrote:Hey!! I am SLAY RADIO people too! I even had the T-Shirt to prove it!
Well, the emphasis was on "silly". ;)

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 0:39
by Matrix
Hey im just happy you guys are lettin us help out :) If it wasnt for your vision Chris - none of us would be here, mixing, talking, and making mates... before 2002 if some1 had said "your gonna meet hubbard galway abbott whittiker daglish and mahoney etc" id NEVER have believed em in a million years.

Thx for halping make MY dreams come true bud ;) I see it as i owe YOU one.

Re: Thanks!

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 2:27
by madfiddler
Chris Abbott wrote:and Visa R, who made the venue sound so beautiful and look so pretty ;-)

Also Octave, of course, Neil Carr for donating loads of CDs to the VIPs and also being there at the right time to unload the van into the venue along with his on-the-way-to-the-pub gang.
Not half..... Thanks Hanna ;) cough.... Neil... next time, save yourself for the end!!!!

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 11:44
by Dasse
Thanks everybody who was there and specially Abbott for setting up the whole thing! =)
It was a pleasure to both meet ya all in person and to listen to Ben, PPOT and all the others!

/Dasse, the dude with the "Commodore User" t-shirt

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 13:08
by Matrix
HAHAHAHAHA AHAHA AHAHA AA AHAHAHAH AHAHAH AA *Oh shit some1 grab my sides n stop em splitting* HAHAHAHAHA AHAHAH A AHAHAHAHA :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :D :D :D :shock: :shock: :lol: :lol: 8) 8) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 13:46
by merman
Dasse wrote:Thanks everybody who was there and specially Abbott for setting up the whole thing! =)
It was a pleasure to both meet ya all in person and to listen to Ben, PPOT and all the others!

/Dasse, the dude with the "Commodore User" t-shirt
Dasse! That was you! I saw you at Kings Cross in the morning, then again at the venue. I was the guy in the Commodore Scene T-shirt. Glad you enjoyed it.

Re: Thanks!

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 13:58
by madfiddler
Andreas Wallström wrote:
And personally, I think Mark sucked.

Andreas //
Yeah, your timing problems seemed to have rubbed off on me :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 13/09/2004 - 14:15
by Matrix
HAHAHAHAahAHaHaHA OMG Its BITCH Central around here lol .... next thing ya know some1 will have a go at Slaygon for swearing on-air - !! DOH !! lol ..... cats claw at 2 o'Clock - DUCK !! lol