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The Future of Back in Time Live

Posted: 17/09/2004 - 8:53
by Chris Abbott
OK, here's what we've got so far:

1) We're all going to the Retro Expo next year

2) RV is a good substitute for BIT Live, especially if you want to play games all weekend!


OK, let's set a date here for the next proper BIT Live and see what happens. Saturday, 17th June, 2006, 7pm start. Somewhere in Copenhagen. That's plenty of time for this to happen.

In order for that to happen, we need from the scene, or its contacts (this is a comprehensive list, so we may already have some of these things)

1) A venue. Cheap/free, available on Saturday 17th June 2004, great acoustics. Pull in favours, sleep with people if you have to. If rehearsals can be done in the venue for the two or three days beforehand, then that's a bonus. This is probably the hardest part. PPOT, I'm looking at you! And it's got to be a _nice_ venue. Gossips may have pleased some, but it gives the rest nightmares :) Must be able to load out the morning after. Must have licenced bar. Must be easy to find! Probably doesn't need to be seated though, which is a big plus.

2) A fund that's independent from me to fund performer flights, crew, trains, automobiles, hotels, special guest planes, etc. Any money that goes to me will have to be used to pay off my current debts, which are substantial, and we need to know the money is going to be used to its intended purpose. The target figure would have to be £5000. Any surplus would be redeployed to other technical areas, but that would be a fund for people to dip into for expenses. I suggest Kenz could run it through Binary Zone, and that be purely his role. The money would be ringfenced and only used for paying personal expense.

3) A stage manager and crew willing to do it for the fun of it. There MUST be a stage manager somewhere in the C64 community. Someone experienced willing to take responsibility for the running of the show, and a crew who can work do the grunt work of putting the backline in, setting up the drums, taping down cables, etc.

4) Equipment and backline, specifically amps and drums.

5) A PA company who's good and cheap in Denmark.

6) A PR Company who's good and cheap in Denmark ;-)

7) A printing company who's good and cheap/free, to print the tickets, flyers, posters, etc.

Eight) Animators and video artists who can produce footage for the event, preferably linked to the acts content

9) If the rehearsal studio is different to the venue, then a rehearsal studio that's good, and transport for people carrying heavy equipment, possibly from the airport.

10) A logistics man who will make sure people and things are where they're supposed to be, hotel rooms, equipment, things like that.

And all of the above people/things must be 100% reliable, not just willing. Preferably we can arrange backup standbys for some of the minor things.

There's probably more than this, but that's a start. Although having a lot of time is good, preparation needs to start now.

If all this can be cobbled together from the scene, then we can do this with a nominal ticket price (maybe £5 or £10). Or free for people who donated to the fund, of course.

Now: this is a big test for the scene. Can we make it happen?


Posted: 17/09/2004 - 9:01
by Chris Abbott
I guess the provisional act listing would be:

Rob Hubbard (if we could get him again)
Visa Röster
Mafia (actually, if we could have a C64 Mafia vs Spectrum Mafia Eminem style insult contest, that would be quite funny)...
Surprising New Band(TM)
Maybe even
Surprising New Band 2(TM)

Plus films and animations.
And if there's the space, equipment, resources and manpower to run a day event in a nearby drinking establishment with C64s, well then that's just dandy.

Now it's up to you: rack your brains, think of people you know/used to know/have slept with/will sleep with for contacts to professional outfits we can rely on who will work cheap/free :) I keep going on about professionas because the only way to ensure that the event runs smoothly is to use people who do the same thing day in, day out. And even then it's a strain ;-)

Over to you.

Posted: 17/09/2004 - 11:04
by Cheetor

My PR agreement with you still stands so you've got me on board for the next BIT Live and I'm expanding my contact lists and mailing lists every day!

Also, Copengahen isn't that difficult for me to get to from Birmingham (I think there are direct flights from Birmingham International) - it's probably easier to get to than it is to a lot of parts of London!

As a side note on the fundraising and recovery of losses from this year, how feasible is a compilation CD of selective live recordings of songs from BIT Brighton and BIT Live this year? Perhaps pre-orders at a reduced cost to help fund the production (say £12.99) with a "regular" sales price of £14.99?

I don't think that a 70-minute album with 35 mins from each concert would harm the DVD sales in any way and if anything it would probably boost the DVD and would act as a pretty good teaser for it.

What do you think?


Posted: 17/09/2004 - 11:07
by Chris Abbott
A lot would depend on whether Boz thought it would be a viable offshoot from the DVD without too much work. It might be a good idea to finally actually produce the Back in Time live Audio CD for people to have in their CD players, but again I'm not especially keen on preorders. And, the amount of work in any product is prodigious, so I'm being a bit cautious. Consider this run up our collective flagpoles though.


Posted: 17/09/2004 - 11:12
by Cheetor
If there's anything else I can do to help to lighten the load, just ask.

Posted: 17/09/2004 - 14:55
by fnordpojk
I can probably get printing done pretty cheaply since the company I work for does a lot of that stuff. We also do other promotional stuff, such as mugs and pens and whatnot. Might be interesting to do a BIT Live promotional material shop?

Posted: 17/09/2004 - 15:11
by Chris Abbott
> I can probably get printing done pretty cheaply since the company
> I work for does a lot of that stuff.
That's the kind of thing I'm talking about!

There's already a BIT Live merchandise shop: Boz and Kenz's virtual shop! It's a sticky in this very forum, though it's a bit short on mugs. Frankly anything which involves money being paid up front has me running scared at the moment (I've still got far too many BIT 3 T-shirts that I've already paid for but can't sell)...


Posted: 17/09/2004 - 15:17
by Matrix
How much is it for one chris .. ill buy :) XXL size plz :)

Posted: 17/09/2004 - 15:42
by Chris Abbott
Only got XL I'm afraid :)

Seriously, it's £5 + £1 postage. Which, for a shirt of this quality is robbing my own Granny.


Posted: 17/09/2004 - 16:55
by Cheetor
Like I said in the other thread Chris, I'll be buying another t-shirt probably next weekend (I keep wearing the one I got at the first BIT Live all the time still)!

Thinking about it, I might order a few as prezzies for some friends... 8)

Posted: 17/09/2004 - 17:13
by Chris Abbott
That would be cool!

Er, anyway, anyone got any leads for the things we need for the next BIT Live? If we don't start looking now, then it won't happen. Now's the time to organise, later is the time to anticipate!


Posted: 17/09/2004 - 17:24
by RetroMarkie
Well I'm totally IN ... dont dont how I can contribute just yet but I'm in anyway...


Posted: 17/09/2004 - 18:08
by tas
I will always offer my assistance, if it's some i can do to help financially i will (within reason) or if it's just unloading a car full of gear.

I dunno what i can do, but i know i do not want bitlive to stop here and want to experience it again, if you need anything chris you know where i am! SERIOUSLY!

Posted: 17/09/2004 - 18:12
by Chris Abbott
Heh, thanks Neil. The list is at the top of the thread! :) We'll post the link to "Kenz's Secure Fetid Fund 'o Fun" a bit later, and start the ball rolling.


Posted: 17/09/2004 - 18:48
by Matrix
Hows bout this....

All them T-Shirts you have Chris.... grab a silver marker and have Ben n co sign a few, then ebay em - ok, i know u dont like ebay, but you have any better ideas ?

Im actually XXXL, so XXL would have been a fit but not comfy, XL is just 2 small :( Have to make do with my donation when i get paid im afraid... plus whatever from the artwork cartoons if anyone commits....