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The Lost V8 preview

Posted: 17/11/2004 - 3:42
by Komet64
I thought I'd elbow my way in here with a preview of the remix I'm currently working on. Maybe you guys could help me out with a couple of comments and/or ideas? ... review.mp3

I haven't really went through with a remix idea since... forever, so I went ahead and started on this pretty sacrilegios remake of Rob Hubbard's "The Last V8". For instance, I kind of skipped some parts. For another instance, I kind of raped the whole thing. :twisted:

Anyways, like I said I'm still only in the first stages of this remix. I still have to figure out the beginning. And the end. And the part between.

Sorry for bad production (mixing and mastering and all that) but I'm not there yet.



Posted: 17/11/2004 - 3:46
by tas
A novel idea on the remix. Although many might not like it because of the drastic form, i for one think it's very inventive and unusual.

Posted: 17/11/2004 - 5:07
by Komet64
hmm, "novel", "drastic", "inventive", "unusual"...
These words are all in the "positive" column in my adjective translation book I just made up. Weee!

Anyway, yes, the remix is not very true to the original. Be warned, you few who hasn't got out of bed 4 in the morning just to download it.

Yeah, and I slowed it down a bit. It was too fast. I couldn't play it on my banjo.


Posted: 17/11/2004 - 8:05
by tas

got up at 4am?

lol, hadn't gone to bed in the first place... oh and it's 8am now!

think it's wise to sleep now ;)

Posted: 17/11/2004 - 10:13
by Vosla
I search for traces of V8 and yes, here and there are tiny bits. ;-)
Then 2:00 *Wham!* it's clear.
Very unusual but very fresh approach on it. Hoped it played a bit longer though.

As this is a preview there will be more ?! =)

Talking of being up the night: I woke up in front of my computer at 7:30 with a nasty headache cause my head rested on the mouse cord. Dunno if I switched the PC off or somebody else. :shock:

Posted: 17/11/2004 - 12:29
by Komet64
Sure, I'm taking up work on it right now. It was just a preview after all.

Thanks for the kind words, Tas and Vosla! :)

And yeah I was up all night doing important stuffs!!! =)
