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For those who hated Gossips...

Posted: 03/02/2005 - 8:08
by Mog
Apparently it looks like this now!


Posted: 03/02/2005 - 9:10
by Vosla
What's that? A kind of art gallery ? Surely not a pub ?!

Posted: 03/02/2005 - 10:31
by Mog
I think it's still a club, it just has new management and it looks like they want it to be more mainstream.


Posted: 03/02/2005 - 11:10
by DHS
Ah, painted bricks.....

Posted: 03/02/2005 - 11:16
by tas
lol, it looks more like a batchelor pad ;)

Posted: 03/02/2005 - 11:41
by beyond
Much nicer, if you ask me! I hope they've put in a powerful AC system, though. No more underworld pentagram chiselings on the walls, I like that :-)

I wonder, do they still have the cave troll??? (I must admit I was a bit scared when I met the manager there, but he was very nice and so... a bit on the impatient side maybe and a little scary to look at :twisted: )


Posted: 03/02/2005 - 13:34
by Kenz
Wow!! But have they fixed THOSE toilets? *SHUDDER!* :shock:

Posted: 03/02/2005 - 13:55
by dan gillgrass
Kenz wrote:Wow!! But have they fixed THOSE toilets? *SHUDDER!* :shock:
It had toilets.... and there was me thinking people were using the floor...

Posted: 03/02/2005 - 14:55
by Kenz
You could be right - *plish plish plish*

Ewwww! :shock:

Posted: 03/02/2005 - 15:36
by Matrix
I dont believe it .. i really dont !! is that really the same grot shop that was gossips ? thats the stage on the right and the bar just passed the sofa right ?

Unbelieveable !!

Wonder how many coats it took to hide that awful black and silver !!

Posted: 03/02/2005 - 16:37
by Bog

Is that the alcove that Mog and Eris and I were getting pissed in?

*keening wail*

Posted: 03/02/2005 - 17:20
by Mog
Bog wrote:Wuhhhh????

Is that the alcove that Mog and Eris and I were getting pissed in?
Think that's about where the camera is.


Posted: 03/02/2005 - 17:24
by Mog
Matrix wrote:Wonder how many coats it took to hide that awful black and silver !!
Um... it was red...?

Posted: 03/02/2005 - 18:32
by Matrix
Red, Black, silver... garrish at best.....