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New Thrust Remix

Posted: 10/03/2005 - 0:43
by midian
Well here's my second attempt of remixing a c64 tune. The tune I just had to remix was Rob Hubbard's Thrust, personaly I think one of the best. When you hear it, I hope you are surprised because this style is not my normal thing and thought I'll give it a go - hope you'll like it.

Download the tune from here : ... thrust.mp3

Comments and feedback are most welcome.


Posted: 10/03/2005 - 8:44
by Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson
Download link not working for me...

"This file is hosted by Tripod, a Lycos®Network Site, and is not available for download. Please check out Tripod's Help system for more information about Remote Loading and our Remote Loading policy."

:cry: However, grabbing the file through:

Works fine! :D

Posted: 10/03/2005 - 10:13
by Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson
My opinion:

Great sounds, and a nice unorthodox mix of classical symphony-instruments with drums!

The arrangement is good, and there's a flow in it! (Well, Thrust is a great song after all!)

I find the "singing lady" in the background a little bit unnatural, but don't listen to me, I'm a little bit too sensitive when it comes to voices. I like them natural.

Some of the symphonic instruments you have used "in ways that they would not allow in real life". Maybe that's what you intended, if not - take a listen to Markus Schneider's remixes and learn from the best! :D

Anyway, a good remix with nice sounds. Thanks, Midian!

Posted: 10/03/2005 - 13:51
by Matrix
If Mark & Marcel were to remix Thrust, it would sound like this..... Very Orchestral, unorthadox use of instruments and vox. All in all a nice laid back remix.... wouldnt be out of place on a Pure Moods album :)

Posted: 10/03/2005 - 17:29
by midian
Thanks for the comments people, most helpful :)

I didn't understand by the term "Singing lady"? There was no vocals except the synth choir at the very end, am I missing the point? Does this mean something else :?:

Thanks for taking time out to listen. I'll be checking out this other music dude soon.


Posted: 10/03/2005 - 18:04
by tas
Good effort this. Never would have imagined thrust could work orchestrally. but this does.

Nice one :)

Posted: 11/03/2005 - 7:48
by Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson
midian wrote:I didn't understand by the term "Singing lady"?
Yes, I meant the synth choir at the end.

Posted: 11/03/2005 - 10:05
by Chris Abbott
She wasn't fat, this singing lady was she? If she was... it's ALL OVER!*


* crap joke alert, awooga, awooga...

Posted: 11/03/2005 - 18:28
by Vosla
Nice try on thrust, Midian. :)

Posted: 10/04/2005 - 22:44
by MogBog
sorry for beeing lame but angelfire does not suport direct download (due to the advertisment)...
could you please make an html page that links to it !


Posted: 10/04/2005 - 22:47
by MogBog
Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson wrote:Download link not working for me...

"This file is hosted by Tripod, a Lycos®Network Site, and is not available for download. Please check out Tripod's Help system for more information about Remote Loading and our Remote Loading policy."

:cry: However, grabbing the file through:

Works fine! :D

again , sorry my lameness ! :lol:

I post, than read !!!!!!!

Incredible nice sound you have there ! (Specially the bassline!!)
(think I would replace the EurotranceFlowSynth...but still beautifull!!!)
Envy !