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Spy vs Spy beta

Posted: 06/05/2005 - 8:52
by trace
Spy vs Spy beta

Anyone care to rewiev the prewiev? :)

Just a quick thing :)

Posted: 06/05/2005 - 9:02
by betelzeus
Hey trace , good stuff eh.

when it first starts ... the first things that come to mind are ... a bit funky ... and a kinda dancey ...

and to be honest when the hi hat first kicks it ... it kinda confused me a little bit ... just sounded like odd timing or something i'm not sure ... but once the beat kicked in's sounds pretty cool ....

I like the rhodes (is that what that is? heh) in the background ... it adds to the Spy-likeness of the tune :wink: ... it kinda gives it that stealth like / mysterious kinda sound , or to the 'spyness' of the tune if you like :lol:

Good stuff eh ... roll with it ...

Posted: 06/05/2005 - 9:17
by xo
Hi-hat? I can only download 7 seconds, less than 200 kb. :frustration:

Posted: 06/05/2005 - 9:53
by trace
Fersando wrote:and to be honest when the hi hat first kicks it ... it kinda confused me a little bit ... just sounded like odd timing or something i'm not sure ... but once the beat kicked in's sounds pretty cool ....
Thats the mening of it, just listen and stomp youre feet to the base and you will be allright :lol:
Fersando wrote:I like the rhodes (is that what that is? heh) in the background
No, it's no rhodes :) it the good old sinus wave :)
exoskeleton wrote:Hi-hat? I can only download 7 seconds, less than 200 kb. :frustration:
Only 7 secs? wierd, try again :?

Posted: 06/05/2005 - 20:09
by xo
Same result Trace. I have no idea what's going on.

Posted: 07/05/2005 - 9:27
by trace
Try this. Only rename .zip to .mp3 when you have dl it :)

spy zip

If that doesn't work maybe someone who have dl it can put up a link fron theire server? :)

Posted: 07/05/2005 - 10:48
by xo
It still doesn't work. Strange.