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Posted: 12/05/2005 - 20:30
by Larsec
It is time for me to move on. It sounds kinda weird saying that but it's true, nontheless...

I will not be making any remixes anymore, at least not in the extent I have so far. Eventhough I haven't released all that much I have still been spending most of my musical time doing remixes.
Since I started here at school original work has taken up more and more of my time and I have reached a point where it is practicly all I'll be making... I might release something every once in a while but don't expect it, though. I have started working on a promo-CD that will hopefully get me somewhere sometime...

I'll also be cutting greatly down on time spent in the chat and on these messageboards... Too distracting and time-consuming... There are simply too many great people here :) I'll be staying on MSN and ICQ for those who wish to talk to me still...

I'll be updating my website in the future, to include all releases I have made as well as a WIP page where people can check out what I am currently working on. I'll be giving fewer tracks more attention instead of spreading myself thin as I have in the past. More time, more detail, more production, more effort...

I realize this may surprise most of you but it's a descision that's been on its way for some time now and with the nearing end of school it is time to start focusing on what I want to do with my life and how to get there. Unfortunatly this means turning away from remixing and concentrating on original composing... I think I didn't want to face this fact but it is something I have to do... I love you all dearly and this is by far the greatest internet community I have ever been part of, nothing else comes close...

So I guess this is goodbye... For now... I don't really know how the future will shape itself but I can't keep away forever, that much I know...

Posted: 12/05/2005 - 20:32
by Phantom66uk
I know you hardly know me, but good luck with what the future will bring. :)

Posted: 12/05/2005 - 20:45
by Vosla
Et Tu, Brutes!

I wish you good luck with your future plans, Larsec!
You left your mark...


Posted: 12/05/2005 - 21:13
by Chris Abbott
Just slip the odd remix in here and there... and don't forget to keep attending the meetings!

Good luck! (any chance of all those CDRs back?)


Posted: 12/05/2005 - 23:12
by tas
Good luck in whatever direction you go!

Been fun fella.

Re: Goodbye

Posted: 13/05/2005 - 8:02
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Larsec wrote:It is time for me to move on. It sounds kinda weird saying that but it's true, nontheless...
Good luck with your future musical endeavour, mate. We still get to meet up over a pint, right?

Posted: 13/05/2005 - 8:27
by LMan
Sorry to hear that mate. I hope you'll drop in from time to time, we'll stay in contact :)

Posted: 13/05/2005 - 9:07
by Kenz
Won't be the same without you around - keep in touch and thanks for treating us to some awesome new mixes before you depart on your new adventure!

Take care and have fun matey!

"I like bicycles!"

Posted: 13/05/2005 - 9:33
by Boz
Best of luck in your future, matey.

So long, and thanks for all the fish... er... remixes.

And now I shall perform my happy dance for you:


Hope it all goes well, and I'll check in on you via MSN every so often :)

Posted: 13/05/2005 - 9:40
by Makke
All the best! Just don't forget about us. ;)

Posted: 13/05/2005 - 9:56
by DHS
Have a great future in whatever way you will take mate :)

Posted: 13/05/2005 - 9:58
by xo
Vosla wrote:You left your mark...
Judging from your Avatar, the time was right. :)

Good luck Larsec, you did leave behind some cool remixes.

Posted: 13/05/2005 - 10:24
by Slaygon
I know you'll do well, whatever you choose to do!

Hope to see you every now and then. I'll pester you on ICQ just to keep myself updated on what's happening with you. =)

Posted: 13/05/2005 - 11:05
by ifadeo
all the best Larsec... and thx for the music.... :wink:

cheers ifadeo

Posted: 13/05/2005 - 11:07
by fnordpojk
Boz wrote:And now I shall perform my happy dance for you:

That is not your happy dance. THIS is your happy dance:



Anyway - sad to see you go, Larsec, but I can definitely sympathize with what you're saying. Sometimes real life must take preference over hobbies, however sad this can be. Hopefully you can take some time off and go boozing with us nutters in the future, though. ;)