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Going away for a long time....

Posted: 23/05/2005 - 23:11
by tas
Hey all,

Well just finishing the finer details and doing some last min prepairing, but from may 26th right through to either late August or even September i will be away. Spending most of my time in Newyork, USA but also Florida and Spain.

I will periodically check out remix64 to see whats what, but wont be around for much of the time if indeed at all.

So, in words there will be no editorials from myself for a good long time. Will write a final one before i depart for this month mind you.

Take care, and see you on the flip side.


Re: Going away for a long time....

Posted: 24/05/2005 - 6:58
by Slaygon
Tas wrote:Take care, and see you on the flip side.
We will miss you!
Make sure you come back alive. ;)

Posted: 24/05/2005 - 7:25
by Makke
Sounds bloody fantastic! Have a good one, Neil! :D

Posted: 24/05/2005 - 7:53
by dan gillgrass
Bring me back a stick of rock (or something)

Posted: 24/05/2005 - 8:50
by Chappers
dan gillgrass wrote:Bring me back a stick of rock (or something)
Aye, and some tacky & cheesy mementos from Noo Yawk please. :D

Failing that, a fit American bird would do nicely! :wink:

Hope you have a good time, Neil. Get some photos up of your trip if you can! :D

Posted: 24/05/2005 - 9:43
by merman
Hey Neil, have a great time. We'll look after the place until you get back...

Posted: 24/05/2005 - 10:13
by n3mo
Hey there Tas!!

Hope you'll have a great trip!!

Don't do anything I wouldn't do!! ^^

Posted: 24/05/2005 - 12:37
by LMan
Hey pal, have a great trip and a great time! :D

Posted: 24/05/2005 - 12:55
by Chris Abbott
Don't die of sex overdose!

Posted: 24/05/2005 - 13:41
by Retrovertigo
Best of luck Neil. Gimme a shout when you reach Spain and we can abuse the locals together ;)

Posted: 24/05/2005 - 16:34
by tas
Chris Abbott wrote:Don't die of sex overdose!

Posted: 24/05/2005 - 17:57
by Phantom66uk
Have a safe trip and most of all Enjoy Yourself! :D

Posted: 24/05/2005 - 17:59
by Dr.Future
Relax... 8)

Posted: 24/05/2005 - 19:34
by Vosla
Have a good trip, Neil! :D :D :D

Posted: 24/05/2005 - 20:02
by tom
:D have a good trip mate !!!!
