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I can´t upload to RKO

Posted: 30/05/2005 - 19:05
by westerling
I´ve read the FAQ but it doesn´t seem to cover this topic.

Can someone tell me how to upload a song. I have this great C64 remix as a wavefile. How do I continue? Please give me names of programs I can use to put the tags on and soforth. Let´s pretend I am bit stupid so explain good! :help:

Posted: 30/05/2005 - 19:26
by Dr.Future
Cou can only upload mp3-files. So convert your wav-file to mp3, try google and "mp3 encoder" for some results... :wink:

Posted: 31/05/2005 - 4:03
by LMan
Hi Westerling and welcome. :D

For further hints, read the upload guidelines:

For a decent free mp3 encoder, download the LAME Encoder here:

and the great RazorLame front-end for it:

You can edit id3v2 tags with many programs, including WinAmp. Just highlight the song at the playlist and hit Alt+3.

If you've followed all the upload guidelines, upload the tune. :)

Re: I can´t upload to RKO

Posted: 31/05/2005 - 7:50
by Jan Lund Thomsen
westerling wrote:I´ve read the FAQ but it doesn´t seem to cover this topic.

Can someone tell me how to upload a song. I have this great C64 remix as a wavefile. How do I continue? Please give me names of programs I can use to put the tags on and soforth. Let´s pretend I am bit stupid so explain good! :help:
From the RKO upload page:
"Only MP3 files encoded in 128Kbps/44Khz or better are accepted. Everything else is automatically rejected upon upload."
First step is to MP3 the file. As LMan posted "LAME" is a great free encoder, and if you use the RazorLAME frontend for it you don't need to fiddle with command-line arguments.
* Title/Artist/Year/Composer ID3v2 tags are automatically inserted into the file, based on the form input.
* SID composer details will be extracted from the STIL database entry for the SID and used for the composer ID3v2 tags.
* The "genre" and "album" tags will be set to "C64remix" and "http://Remix.Kwed.Org", respectively.
On the form you also have the option to add comments and a URL for the ID3v2 tag. So you don't even need to add ID3 tags before uploading.

Hope this helps. And welcome aboard. :D

Posted: 31/05/2005 - 15:44
by westerling
:D I think I´ve managed to upload it! :D
Thanks for all your help, guys!

I used Lame+RazorLame to encode the wavefile. And it sounds great!!
The encoder must have been the problem for me before.

Then as Jan said I just filled in the form and uploaded. Simple! :D

Now it´s time to do another remix. :)

Posted: 31/05/2005 - 16:44
by Vosla
Welcome to the boards!
Now it's time to wait for your remix popping up at RKO.
BTW. If you like opinions about work in progress or remixes ready to be shipped, post a link here and get feedback. Most of'em guys are fair and won't bite (most of the time). ;)

Posted: 02/06/2005 - 23:05
by putzi
Since when are lame-encoded files accepted at RKO ? I tried several times using WinLAME and the files were rejected.

Posted: 03/06/2005 - 5:22
by LMan
There was a specific version of Lame which produced corrupt MP3s, those couldn't be read by RKO's id3tag mincer. :)

Posted: 03/06/2005 - 6:21
by Jan Lund Thomsen
LMan / Remix64 wrote:There was a specific version of Lame which produced corrupt MP3s, those couldn't be read by RKO's id3tag mincer. :)
Incidentally, I didn't write said mincer. :D

More details on it on

Posted: 03/06/2005 - 6:37
by LMan
Sorry if I created a missconception. Should have rather said "id3 mincer employed by RKO" :)

Posted: 04/06/2005 - 22:11
by Vosla
As three new remixes are ready to download...
Nice to see that you are back in control of RKO, Jan! :)

Posted: 05/06/2005 - 19:19
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Vosla wrote:As three new remixes are ready to download...
Nice to see that you are back in control of RKO, Jan! :)
Thanks, it's good to be back on the box. Got loads of tunes ready for publication, so I'll prolly spread be spreading it out and putting a few tunes up every day or so. :D

Posted: 05/06/2005 - 19:42
by westerling
When I uploaded a text says:
You will receive e-mail confirmation of your submission in a few seconds.

I don´t get any confirmation. It has probably to do with that I registered a long time ago, and I no longer has the same e-mail as then. Can this result in my remix won´t getting published :shock:

Can I change that somewhere? I have the correct e-mail in this forum if that helps.

Posted: 05/06/2005 - 20:17
by Jan Lund Thomsen
westerling wrote:When I uploaded a text says:
You will receive e-mail confirmation of your submission in a few seconds.

I don´t get any confirmation. It has probably to do with that I registered a long time ago, and I no longer has the same e-mail as then. Can this result in my remix won´t getting published :shock:
Nopes, but it does mean that if something gets rejected you won't receive notification of it, and you won't see the comments that jurors might have added to shed light on what they disliked about it, thus giving you helpful pointers for the future.

As for changing your e-mail information; tried reading the upload guidelines? Like, really reading them?

... enter a valid e-mail address when signing up the first time. If you're already registered (ie. your name appears on the drop-down list at the bottom of this page). E-mail me if your contact details change.

Posted: 07/01/2007 - 0:54
by Condor
Huh, I have a problem... I need to upload one remix (using dial up), but, it just don't work.
First, I used the firefox and it uploaded file about 50 minutes (connection was not dial-up and it should finish upload in less than given time - file is 11MB), so I just stopped it.
Than I tried to use IE, but after some time it showewed me that annoying page that cannot be displayed (he tried for about 30 minutes or more). I've received the notification about upload, however it was incompleted.
Those 2 cases were done using

Here si dial-up part (upload speed is little less than 3KB/s). Today I manage to upload (finaly) however, I missed the arranger field and remix was not queued.
A few minutes ago I again tgried tu upload with IE, and it resulted with that same page. I've checked mail now, no signs of notification.

Is there any way that I can upload a file at some free upload websites, and then somehow link it to this page, or should I try again (I will try once more, if file is not uploaded, screw it, i'll post a link on this forum)

I had similar problems on previous uploads, but this file is 2 times bigger.
