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It *&@$(#! pays to research before you work... (1942)

Posted: 16/06/2005 - 16:20
by MFE

I just needed a place to vent. Here I was, wondering why no-one had bothered to do a remix of the in-game music for 1942. It has lots of potential after all. Great military piece. So I bugger around for a total of about 15 hours on a remix before I decide to look up the SID in the database to find out the composer.

Only to discover Mark Cooksey plagarised the bloody piece from the movie "633rd Squadron", scored by Ron Goodwin, so it's not elibible as a remix. Bugger, bugger, buggeration and damnation!

Serves me right for not watching enough television, I suppose. The ironic thing is that it probably sounds bloody close to the original film score if my interpretation of the SID is anything to go by :x

I'm wondering now if I should even bother finishing the remix... I've put up what I have at:

The plan was to also include subtune 2 and 3 in the entire piece as well, subtune 2 following on immediately from where the MP3 fades out, make it all one big cohesive work.

*sigh* Well, I suppose I better start trawling through the rest of the database to find another SID to start remixing... :(

Posted: 16/06/2005 - 17:26
by ifadeo
great work! you should try to make a remix of Battle of Britain in this
style and you make some ppl happy (like chris, kenz & boz...) !!!

cheers ifadeo

Posted: 16/06/2005 - 18:03
by Chris Abbott
Do Hunter Patrol!!!


[edit: if you do, you can have my children]

[edit2: or some CDs if you really insist] :)


Posted: 16/06/2005 - 21:57
by Chris Abbott
Oooh, I like this. You're my ears' new best friend!!!

Posted: 16/06/2005 - 23:04
by Boz
Damn. I _KNEW_ I should have finished my remix of Hunter Patrol!

But I have no time now... so YOU do it, MFE! DO IT NOW!


Posted: 17/06/2005 - 0:36
by MFE
Hunter Patrol, eh? I'll start looking into it once I get over my pissed-offedness of 1942 :oops:

Posted: 17/06/2005 - 9:34
by xo
Hey MFE. Its a good SID so don't beat yourself up over it. If the remix is good, you'll have your fans. :) Downloading your song...

Posted: 17/06/2005 - 9:37
by xo
You have your fan. :worship:

Posted: 17/06/2005 - 10:02
by Vosla
Count me in. It's cool!

The rule does apply to RKO, huh?

Which reminds me of a remix of Castles of Dr.Creep which was actually a hungarian dance. A good one, too.

There is no damage done if you post such material here. :wink:

Posted: 17/06/2005 - 11:03
by MFE
Heh... Castles of Dr. Creep is almost exclusively Bach re-arrangements.

Okay, I'm going to finish the remix of 1942 and post it up here. In the meantime, I'll start toying with ideas for Hunter Patrol in the same style of military orchestral and see what I come up with. I'll have to listen to it a few times to get inspired and whatnot...

Cheers all, for the thumbs-up!

Posted: 17/06/2005 - 18:54
by Lagerfeldt
That's a rule that's being used VERY selectively.

I mean, some of the top rated SID remixes aren't based on SID music at all, it's from movies (Cobra, Indiana Jones, etc.).

So in all fairness those remixes should be removed too.

Posted: 17/06/2005 - 19:01
by Chris Abbott
Lagerfeldt wrote:That's a rule that's being used VERY selectively.

I mean, some of the top rated SID remixes aren't based on SID music at all, it's from movies (Cobra, Indiana Jones, etc.).

So in all fairness those remixes should be removed too.
First off, Indiana Jones isn't on RKO.

Second, the criteria tends to be: "Is the C64 SID more well known than the original?". I mean, do you remove all the Zoids covers? With Cobra, it was ages before the community realised it was taken from the movie, for instance. And do you remove Warhawk covers now that's it's been shown to be mostly a cover?

It's not a perfect situation, but I'm happy with the way it's working.


Posted: 17/06/2005 - 20:30
by xo
Sure, if it saves diskspace. I don't know the film but this game is a classic so I'd say it should be allowed. But to be honest I couldn't care less, as long as the remix is posted here - and I bet it'll be downloaded a lot, even though the download crowd will be much smaller than if it is available at RKO. So by all means - allways post links to remixes here as well. The remixes will be downloaded.

Posted: 17/06/2005 - 22:28
by Kenz
That's a GREAT mix! :D

Hunter Patrol done in the same stylee would get a big thumb up from me!


*Note: I'm not actually the Fonz - despite having a 4 letter name that ends in 'NZ'"

Posted: 18/06/2005 - 11:28
by tom
Chris Abbott wrote:First off, Indiana Jones isn't on RKO.
yepp :wink: