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Figured it's time to make a start...

Posted: 21/06/2005 - 13:30
by FunkyM
...So, I'm now a full-time member of this lovely band of filthy-minded, booze-loving what-have-yous that calls itself the C64 Remix Community.

So, Howdy all, and a Great big Skachtmaskinen skenaar to all the swedes out there! (yes I know it means the Bulldozer's Broken loose, But I don't much care.)

Posted: 27/06/2005 - 0:35
by Aero
I'm newer than you but that doesn't stop me from welcome you :)
And we swedes say "bulldozern skenar" afaik :)
"schaktmaskinen" does work (i looked it up) but i believe it's old fashion or dialectal.

(EDIT: I just remembered the swedish lessions. Simply made to make it more difficult ^_^)

Posted: 27/06/2005 - 19:45
by westerling
Welcome. I am also pretty new here, and also pretty :D. See you in Gothenburg in the weekend then :?:

Posted: 04/07/2005 - 8:05
by Thunderer
Aye! ye be welcome then here matey!

Actually I am a newbie too. I just thought that pirate talk would make me look like one of the gang.

Posted: 04/07/2005 - 22:40
by Vosla
Welcome and have a nice stay! :D
Thunderer wrote:Actually I am a newbie too. I just thought that pirate talk would make me look like one of the gang.
Psst. I'm a noob, too. :wink:

Posted: 05/07/2005 - 0:09
by tas

I'm a noob!

Posted: 05/07/2005 - 8:53
by dan gillgrass
Tas wrote: I'm a noob!
No Tas, you have just mispelt the last word there wrong ;)

Posted: 05/07/2005 - 14:32
by Aero
Info Tas:

Forum Admin
Joined: 27 Nov 2002
Posts: 1815
Quote: "I'm a noob!"


Posted: 05/07/2005 - 14:39
by Chris Abbott
"I'm a noob too. And so is my wife!"

Posted: 05/07/2005 - 15:13
by LMan
I'm a... oh well. :duh:

Posted: 06/07/2005 - 8:22
by Vosla

Posted: 06/07/2005 - 8:52
by tas
No, I'm spartacus

Posted: 06/07/2005 - 11:24
by Chappers
I'm Spartacus and so is my wife! *

* Shameless nicking of previous gags not important, obviously.... :)

Posted: 06/07/2005 - 11:42
by Vosla
Oh, dammit! Wrong sketch...