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Komodor's New Release: Commodore Loves You (I really do)

Posted: 09/07/2005 - 0:54
by Komodor
Komodor's new release "Commodore Loves You (I really do)" can be downloaded at:

Posted: 09/07/2005 - 5:06
by devilhood
I'll be honest with you, I enjoyed everything up until the vocal came in.
The production on the synths and what-knot is fine, but the vocals just sounded muddy, too bassy and heavily compressed.
A centered sound on the vocal with a plate reverb would have been more effective and suited if you were to pan out the rest of the instrumentation accordingly.
Your vocals sounded way better when you started to sing higher, perhaps try changing the melody so you're using more of your higher range instead.
Apart from my gripes with the vocal production, it's a nice little track :wink:

Keep it up!



Posted: 09/07/2005 - 9:35
by Komodor
Thank you very much for your comments!

I have this fancy speaker set which sometimes makes it hard to adjust the bass levels and the effects on the vocals...I will listen to it one more time with regular speaker sets and modify it.

One more time: Thank you :-)