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Dead guys Last ninja nightclub shocker

Posted: 09/07/2005 - 10:43
by Feekzoid
During my alcoholicus Beveragus night out last night, we ended up in our usual final stop - The Vault nightclub here in Aviemore (a nightclub situated in what was formerly a bank vault) - was talking to my mate... when all of a sudden a very familiar bassline kicked off.

It was The Dead Guys Last Ninja big beatnik mix!

Utterly cool to see a packed dance floor with people doing their thing, especially the chicks up on the raised part of the dancefloor in front of the multicoloured lightpanels!

My mate who is also one of the DJ's for the place was sent on a mission to bring the DJ to me. It was a new guy stepping in for the usual DJ, he was a bit nonplussed when I congratulated him on his choice of track - he said he just "came across" the track one day and thought it pretty cool.


Posted: 09/07/2005 - 14:22
by devilhood
friggin' awesome :P

Posted: 11/07/2005 - 8:19
by Thunderer
My opinion is that if you unleash many remixes on the unsespecting public they'll be thrilled to listen to it and dance wildly.... but the moment you tell them it is a Commore 64 remix, they suddenly act like they've seen a ghost.

BTW, it would've been cool to be in the club to hear the mix and see the reaction of the people. Too bad the DJ was not so excited about it, but then what can you expect? DJ's are evil!

Posted: 12/07/2005 - 5:15
by Infamous
lol@dj's are evil.

skitz? :twisted: