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What are you doing to promote SID and the C64/128 Legacy?

Posted: 04/08/2005 - 20:37
by naughtyboy
Its great that we all love sid tunes and the remixes of them, but It would be great if more people were making new sid music as well! You dont need a tracker anymore to do it. You can get a sidstation, or get some sequenceing software and a Quatrosid card, or even a SID VST! There are many ways to make a new sidtune these days...But there isnt allot of people making new songs...weird, no?

There is obviously sooo much talent here, but im wondering if its possible to get more folks to actually create new music, instead of re-hashing the same tuines over n over again...we need new blood! I know there are plent of folks out there doing it the old skool way, and some that have devised new ways...but I really invite those of you that have not explored this option to do so. :)

What would be really great is people in this and other communities making new tunes AND remixing them!

What do you guys (and gals?) say?

I also think RKO should post both the new tunes and long as they pass the standard quality control. :)


-naughtyboy :)

Posted: 04/08/2005 - 23:26
by Matrix
Trouble is, people do want the old and already known stuff mixing and remixing.

Posted: 04/08/2005 - 23:31
by Analog-X64
Yes its true the old tried and true Rob Hubbard and Chris Huelsbeck tunes get re-mixed, frankly I don’t get tired of them since its always a fresh remix. Having said that, there are also countless of treasures out there that need to be remixed and. If you look through the RKO collection there are many songs that have only been remixed once since 2000.

The High Voltage Sid Collection contains 30,001 Tunes!! Certainly there is no shortage of tunes to draw inspiration from.

Now I have some theories as to why there are not many new remixes as of late.

1. Maybe we need more new blood get the word out that we are here and this place exists.

2. The quality remixes here are so high that is intimidating for someone who might want to try this such as myself (I’m very critical of my own material).

3. Tutorials? Like you said there is so much talent here, it probably wouldn’t hurt to make some tutorials on how to produce C64 sounding Bases, Leads, Drums using modern synth and possibly recommendations on VST Pluggins that are suitable for remixing C64 Music.

Such information would be valuable and great if shared.

Just Humble Opinion :)

Posted: 04/08/2005 - 23:43
by Slaygon
Matrix wrote:Trouble is, people do want the old and already known stuff mixing and remixing.
Not really...

A few things stand out:
The remix of my SID Calm made by Juha Kaunisto (a.k.a. Play By Numbers)
Foreign Girl by DHS... I mean, who's A-Man?
The house that jack built by Chronblom.
Megasweet by DJ Skitz.

There's lots more, but it's late... I need sleep. =)

I really think it's only a matter of picking the odd directory in HVSC and just have a listen to what's in there, instead of attacking the the obvious ones such as Hubbard, Galway, Fred Gray and the other big SID composers back in the day.

Posted: 05/08/2005 - 7:42
by Xelebes
Weeeeelllll.... I only really use the ST, mostly for making bass drums to my music. (Yeah, I create the dreaded gabber stuff.)

Re: What are you doing to promote SID and the C64/128 Legacy

Posted: 05/08/2005 - 7:52
by Jan Lund Thomsen
naughtyboy wrote:I also think RKO should post both the new tunes and long as they pass the standard quality control. :)
While I wholeheartedly support the creation of new SIDs, making RKO a SID site as well is simply not feasible. Partly because it would need considerable changes to both the back-end code and the workflow associated with getting stuff online, partly because the HVSC team is doing a great job handling their massive workload - between January 28rd and June 09th, 943 new SIDs were added to the HVSC.

RKO always incorporates the latest version of the HVSC. Thus, when something is available in the HVSC it is possible to submit a remix of the SID.

Okay, so the HVSC is only updated 3-4 times per year. But you've got 30.001 tunes to keep you busy from until the next update comes out. :wink:

Posted: 05/08/2005 - 8:49
by beyond
Naughtyboy: Maybe you yourself could make a new site ( for this and promote it, make some tunes, write some tutorials (get some tricks from ye ole composers), etc?

Generally new amateur/semi-prof music is not as catchy as the top 5% of the prof music that reaches the radio/MTV so it WILL BE hard to get through... But if one doesn't try!! :D

Posted: 05/08/2005 - 8:52
by DHS
Slaygon wrote:Foreign Girl by DHS... I mean, who's A-Man?
Uh!? :shock:

You mean, DjUnz!

....... :)

Posted: 05/08/2005 - 14:37
by tas
beyond wrote:Naughtyboy: Maybe you yourself could make a new site ( for this and promote it, make some tunes, write some tutorials (get some tricks from ye ole composers), etc?

Generally new amateur/semi-prof music is not as catchy as the top 5% of the prof music that reaches the radio/MTV so it WILL BE hard to get through... But if one doesn't try!! :D
Thats a great idea. The only way to push a thought is to open it up to the public. I like your idea Seth but an idea is only an idea without someone doing something about it and someone with a bit of dedication who will keep at it.

Re: What are you doing to promote SID and the C64/128 Legacy

Posted: 05/08/2005 - 17:48
by Waz
naughtyboy wrote:Its great that we all love sid tunes and the remixes of them, but It would be great if more people were making new sid music as well!
They are. The current HVSC (v42) has over 150 SID tunes which were composed in 2005, and there's more to come in the next update, I'm sure of that. Not to mention that there's still the spate of C64 music competitions for people to have a go at - the Goat Tracker 2 music competition being the most recent. In fact, don't forget you don't even need a C64 to use Goat Tracker - but it'll make a darn fine tune which you can play on the real thing, which is nice.

I should add that there's still plenty of new composers who fall in the love with the C64 sound and want to have a go themselves - and if they can, they'll try and get one to get the sound being as authentic as possible. As good as SID emulation is these days, nothing beats the real thing really.

As Jan rightly says, RKO is not the place for any new SID tunes, that's HVSC's job. And they're still doing a bloody good one.

Posted: 05/08/2005 - 17:56
by Waz
Slaygon wrote: A few things stand out:
The remix of my SID Calm made by Juha Kaunisto (a.k.a. Play By Numbers)
Foreign Girl by DHS... I mean, who's A-Man?
The house that jack built by Chronblom.
Megasweet by DJ Skitz.
And plenty more too. Since my slightly controversial rallying call for composers to be more brave in their selection of SID tunes back in August 2003, a lot of them haven't just taken that on - they've made some highly excellent remakes of SIDs that might not have been touched otherwise.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank those who've done that, took the risk and found that people actually do enjoy those remixes just as much (especially me :)

Re: What are you doing to promote SID and the C64/128 Legacy

Posted: 05/08/2005 - 21:14
by dan gillgrass
wazzaw wrote:and there's more to come in the next update
Didnt you say something about looking at a With Teeth track ;) (perhaps an opus like you did with Sin ;) )