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thing on a spring bounce fx

Posted: 13/08/2005 - 14:41
by oj oscillation
how do i create such a fx like in the TOAS ? u know that bouncing boing at every 1/4 meassure.

i mean which synthesizer do i have to use or is it going with every synth ?
and what do i have to do to create this patch in the synth ?
any advise is welcome.

Posted: 13/08/2005 - 19:04
by Chris Abbott
Well, the original FX is done with two notes a semitone apart and a pitch slide, isn't it?

So you'd create a two sawtooth or pulse wave oscillator voices with one oscillator detuned by one semitone against the other, and then put a pitch envelope so that when you hit the key the pitch goes up.


Posted: 14/08/2005 - 10:49
by Vandal
Yes, that's it. :shock:

Posted: 14/08/2005 - 12:33
by oj oscillation
ahh, thanx, chriss.

i think, ben did it in another way on the sid (ringmodulator perhaps), otherwise there will always be one voice stolen from the sid permanently.and by only 3 voices this would be too much to make a song sound well.
or am i wrong,because the musicroutine changes so quickly the sounds, that we can`t hear that and it all seems to flow perfect ?

i will try that.

Posted: 14/08/2005 - 13:21
by Chris Abbott
Thing on a Spring is written to allow for the voice stealing. Rob was clever that way.


Posted: 14/08/2005 - 14:01
by oj oscillation
indeed. those guys are really genius. creating great songs with minimalistic abilities of a synth and making it like sounding big.
hats off and a deep bow down.

Posted: 16/08/2005 - 15:47
by oj oscillation
shit, i made a mistake.
i actually meant ben`s thing bounces back.
sorry, if i confused some of you readers.

Posted: 17/08/2005 - 18:33
by skitz
On TBB - Ben uses a ringmod on Voice 2 with voice 3... and it sounds just like he bends the note which is following the tune of course :)

Best person to ask is DHS - he made a nice preset in Vanguard that sounds like this :)

Thing bounces back

Posted: 17/08/2005 - 20:07
by Tonka
I'm 99.9% it is 2 synced oscillators, not ring modulation... Ring mod would sound more metalic (like the Wizball burbles)...

2 oscillators are synced together, 1 oscillators pitch is plain and 1 oscillators pitch is swept from low to high. *Probably* square waves with varying degrees of pulse width were used, from the sound of it.

Just out of interest, Benn used oscillator sync when he made the great intro to Last Ninja Level 2 (you know, the bassline). Of course, it sounded a lot different because he used a triangle wave with (I think) a saw wave.

Havent gone in and checked any of these original tunes BTW - just giving my opinion from memory ;)

What soft synths do you have oj? Let me know, and I will re-create the sound if you want :)


Posted: 17/08/2005 - 20:20
by oj oscillation
NI`s pro 53 seems to be good for it.or how about the built in synth of sx?
i think u should take a shot with unknown 64. very good sid emu imho.
but hard to program for me.
arturia`s minimoog is also an option.
thanx in advance, tonka!
loggin out....

Posted: 18/08/2005 - 0:53
by Analog-X64
Is there a making C64 Remixes for Dummies somewhere? that explains all this stuff about Ring Modulation and Square Waves and Such?

Posted: 18/08/2005 - 7:04
by jgb
Analog-X: With a forum nick like that you should know a bit more about basic analogue sound synthesis. ;)

A good start is Sound on Sound's "synth secrets" series that ran over several issues of the magazine. ... ummary=Yes (direct link to articles).

Start from the beginning, that will give you the most needed information. Go on to the rest or the article when you have some spare time.

Thingy noises for download

Posted: 18/08/2005 - 20:33
by Tonka
OJ (and anyone else who is interested).

I have attempted to re-create the TBB boing sound on a couple of VST's.

The best one is done on the Retro GS 01 synth - (good little synth - demo can be D/L'd here): ...

And another on Pro 53 (not one of my fav synths, but I managed to get something like the sound going)!

As far as I could tell, 'Unknown 64' doesn't have a sync option (though I may be wrong - it was the first time I had used it)...

Anyway, you can D/L the .fxp's here:

Oh BTW - play the sound on the key D5 or D4 for the correct(ish) pitch, and if you use the Retro GS sound, you have to load it and then move to the next preset and then back again before it BOING's. Weird, but there it is...



Posted: 18/08/2005 - 20:38
by dan gillgrass
Blimey! Long time no see Tonka!

Posted: 18/08/2005 - 20:44
by Tonka
Hi Dan - I've PM ya :)
