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Thanks Merman

Posted: 19/08/2005 - 2:29
by tas
Only just noticed the review that you've just placed here at remix64.. LOL, two days it took me to notice..

Thanks for the kind words mate. While it feels sad that i had to close down MBD in someway its also nice to get back to normal life and relax a little and just be able to take in the world around me.. For the past 2 and a bit years i've worked and worked and worked my socks off with MBD and i'm just glad really that it did so well.. I'll never forget the 15 hours i spent packing parcels when machinae supremacy's CD came in stock and the look on the poor postwomans face as she came to collect 6 great big sacks of parcels... peach of a moment!

It was fun while it lasted but in all truth i am now begining to realise that it was becoming too stressful and in someway to now be able and sit back and do what everyone else does and just absorb efforts made from others is nice.

I think now after 3 CD's (Revival ST as you point out is to be released by Chris Abbott) i think i've done enough now and in someway feel proud of the work i and ofcourse not forgetting the entire team who i have wroked with from r64 v1 to revival ST who ultimately did a superb job.

There'll be no more CD's, No more Musical enterprises from myself in the future... 33 now and i've been doing stuff like this since i was 13(20 years can you believe). I've always been right up in the middle of a scene in someway or other. From BCS on the c64, Foft on the ST and r64 CD's and MBD and stuff on the modern side. Always active doing stuff and now i retire from it all and will now take a back seat and just enjoy everything else.

If MBD has made anyone day slightly better in any shape or form than i think we achieved something and that will do me nicely.

Now? I will sleep!

Posted: 19/08/2005 - 3:16
by Matrix
And as if by magic, a new time occupier appears :)

Posted: 19/08/2005 - 10:51
by merman
Neil, I'll be honest. Most of that review was sitting on my old hard drive. I did the preview article and then forgot about reviewing the whole CD for R64.

Rafael mentioned there hadn't been a full review in a recent e-mail, so I found the file, blew off the cobwebs, tidied it up and submitted it myself (I have the power... of admin).

Glad you liked it, and I hope whatever you do next it brings you satisfaction and rewards.

Posted: 19/08/2005 - 18:58
by Rafael Dyll
merman wrote: Rafael mentioned there hadn't been a full review in a recent e-mail (...)
Psssst! Damn it Andrew, I told you I don't exist! Now off you go... errr... to the sea, you little Merman thingie. I'm starting to feel a little like the Emperor, pulling strings everywhere... :roll: