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GC Concert with Hubbard + Huelsbeck

Posted: 19/08/2005 - 6:50
by Lagerfeldt
Wow, that was an amazing experience!

Hearing International Karate and Great Giana Sisters performed by the Prague Philharmonics in the Gewandhaus in Leipzig.. I couldn't stop smiling!

Finally meeting and talking to my C64 idols too.. what a day!

Did anybody else go?

Posted: 19/08/2005 - 8:15
by Max Levin
What? When? What's a GC?!

Posted: 19/08/2005 - 8:42
by dan gillgrass
Games Concert.... I was hoping to go but am cash strapped (oo er), didnt Summpi go?

Posted: 19/08/2005 - 9:46
by Analog-X64
You guys dont know how luck you are in the U.K. We dont have anything like these concerts in North America.

Posted: 19/08/2005 - 9:58
by sumppi
dan gillgrass wrote:Games Concert.... I was hoping to go but am cash strapped (oo er), didnt Summpi go?
Nope, I was supposed to go but I opted for vacation later this winter in the U.S. instead of Germany now :)


Posted: 19/08/2005 - 10:01
by sumppi
Analog-X wrote:You guys dont know how luck you are in the U.K. We dont have anything like these concerts in North America.
Actually, I just saw news bit about a whole tour of concerts in the states.

CNN news bit: ... .music.ap/
Official site:

Ok, it's not C64 but close enough anyway :)


Posted: 19/08/2005 - 12:23
by LMan
They showed about 2 seconds of the concert on the main news at a major german tv channel. The two female announcers giggled because they couldn't comprehend why anyone would want to play game music with an orchestra. Simple-minded-short-witted b*ches.

Posted: 19/08/2005 - 14:03
by tas
I went last year to the games convention concert.. Quite an experience it was too. Couldn't make it this year though.

I'll not forget the goose pimples i felt at last years concert when Turrican was played live!

Posted: 19/08/2005 - 14:05
by tas
Max Levin wrote:What? When? What's a GC?!
Games Convention... Europes biggest computer exibition.. For the last 3 years they've had a concert as an opening organised by Merregnon's producer Thomas Boecker.

Posted: 19/08/2005 - 17:38
by madfiddler
*sniff* - I was supposed to guest on the IK track too, but they had to cut the length down. What an experience that would have been :(

Re: GC Concert with Hubbard + Huelsbeck

Posted: 19/08/2005 - 18:41
by Markus Schneider
Lagerfeldt wrote:Did anybody else go?
I am wondering why there's a thread who did go instead of who will go. A pity we didn't met.

Well, this year attended not so much retro people than the year before. Anyway I met Rafael Dyll and some other non-retro musicians.

I was really surprised by the Giana Sisters tune, since it was remixed so clever by Andy Brick. I have never expected that someone could do something clever with Giana. I couldn't be surprised by IK because I have heard it several times in MIDI before, and it was as good as expected. Well, the woodwinds had some problems, but this seemed to be a player's problem due to very short reheasal time since the orchestration and arrangement is very exigent. I really do think that IK is probably the most unfavourable track to do orchestrally. The higher to rate Rob's effort.

Next day I went with Rob and his wife to the GC and must say that we were very disappointed by the show and I wouldn't go again. I even more enjoyed the PCW :-)

Posted: 19/08/2005 - 18:48
by Rafael Dyll
I went to both show and concert (came back yesterday) - I have been to all previsous happening too. It was (as usual) awesome indeed. Afer the concernt, had chat with Markus Schneider after a long time of no contact (sorry Markus!), exchanged some views on the Revival ST CD with fellow musician Fabian Del Priore (who also happended t do some arange work for the concert, the little bastich! ;) ) They played the Giana Sisters Game Over tune a little different to my version on R64V2 ;) but it was great nonetheless. Hülsbeck, Boecker, Hubbard and Gustav Grefberg (Lizardking) were there too, a nice, memorable evening.

At the show, I stood in line (bugger) to see the Tomb Raider Legend developer head show off the new game (exclusive to the GC), watched some stuff on King Kong, Prince of Persia 3, collected tons of stuff for my PS2 and Gamecube list, ha ha. Plus some excellent DS games to look forward too. I'm going to get real broke soon I guess. And the babes were great too. Had a 1GB SD card just in case. ;)

Re: GC Concert with Hubbard + Huelsbeck

Posted: 19/08/2005 - 19:50
by Lagerfeldt
Markus Schneider wrote:
Lagerfeldt wrote:Did anybody else go?
I am wondering why there's a thread who did go instead of who will go. A pity we didn't met.

I was really surprised by the Giana Sisters tune, since it was remixed so clever by Andy Brick. I have never expected that someone could do something clever with Giana. I couldn't be surprised by IK because I have heard it several times in MIDI before, and it was as good as expected. Well, the woodwinds had some problems, but this seemed to be a player's problem due to very short reheasal time since the orchestration and arrangement is very exigent. I really do think that IK is probably the most unfavourable track to do orchestrally. The higher to rate Rob's effort.
Maybe we'll meet next year then :-)

Anyway, GGS wasn't arranged by Andy but by the guy who did the Final Fantasy stuff. And I agree on the IK part, although it was still fantastically entertaining without being musically sublime.

I was invited by Thomas, what a nice chap :-) We had perfect seats in the middle parkett (one seat back from Rob).

Travelled by train from Denmark with my wife, we made a little trip out of it.

Posted: 20/08/2005 - 9:30
by Markus Schneider
Anyway, GGS wasn't arranged by Andy but by the guy who did the Final Fantasy stuff.
Hadn't took a look in the program, but Andy told me that he did the arrangement/orchestration. Perhaps I did understood wrong since it was very loud in that restaurant.
I was invited by Thomas, what a nice chap
Boecker ? How come ?
We had perfect seats in the middle parkett (one seat back from Rob).
I was sitting one place left to Rob.
Maybe we'll meet next year then
Hope so.

Re: GC Concert with Hubbard + Huelsbeck

Posted: 20/08/2005 - 18:11
by Slaygon
Lagerfeldt wrote:Hearing International Karate and Great Giana Sisters performed by the Prague Philharmonics in the Gewandhaus in Leipzig.. I couldn't stop smiling!

Why haven't I known about this thingy? Have I missed some thread somewhere around here or what?
