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hehehe, guys, read the subtune infos before saying...

Posted: 19/08/2005 - 13:32
well, about my Druid II remix, that has been rejected recently:

First of all, no complaints to the technical side... the remixes I'm uploading since 2 months are quite old, and I didnt have too much experience in mastering and mixing at that time (probably neither now....). However, experience or not, sometimes shit happens hehehhe :-)

The only one thing is that some of the comments said "where is Druid???"
Guys, the subtune was the number 4. Not the well-known number 3! The melody was identical... at least to my ears.... or I am totally stoned??

Dont take this as a polemic, but that "Where is Druid" sounds very strange to me...

Keep up the good work! :-)

Re: hehehe, guys, read the subtune infos before saying...

Posted: 20/08/2005 - 7:08
by Jan Lund Thomsen
LOAD_ERROR wrote:Guys, the subtune was the number 4. Not the well-known number 3! The melody was identical... at least to my ears....
Subtune info is not available on the restricted webpage that the jurors have access to. Or rather, it wasn't because I just added it to iron out incidents like this one. That being said, the Druid II subtune 4 is so different from subtune 3 that I can't imagine the jurors rejected one tune on the grounds of it not sounding like a completely different tune. :D

Then again, it would have been easier to notice had your mix not peaked at -20 dB. :wink:

Posted: 20/08/2005 - 10:13
by tas
I'd coment, but alas i can't remember the the mix now or what coments i wrote regarding your mix. Dunno if i even wrote anything... head is empty.

If you wish, upload to some webspace you have and post the link on this forum and i'll state why, when, where, and what! :)

Posted: 20/08/2005 - 13:02
No problem guys, the tune has been considered shit by all, so better to avoiod a relisten, and after your comments I relisten to the track and it's true that the mixing/mastering was bad too.

I posted this complain only for one reason: I dig between my old remixes and I uploaded the sub4 remix because there are already some good works on the most common sub 3, and no remixes of that strange sub 4, but nobody noticed my effort to remix that particular subtune :-(

btw, I have to do some mastering on my old mixes, or maybe better do do something new!

thanx for the answers guys :-)