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Some suggestions ...

Posted: 14/03/2003 - 15:16
by Paul Vanukoff

Turrican II Factory Stage

Any other Turrican I or II tune


Music from just about any Psyclapse / Psygnosis game

Atomino ( don't know why I like it )

capnpower.mod ( came from some plasma/copper demo )

Re: Some suggestions ...

Posted: 14/03/2003 - 15:27
by DHS
>Music from just about any Psyclapse / Psygnosis game

...i was thinking about some early one... :)

Posted: 14/03/2003 - 15:44
by Max Levin
Music from just about any Psyclapse / Psygnosis game
Wasn't Lemmings originally an Amiga-product? :) If that's the case... :D :lol: MOHAHAHA

Posted: 14/03/2003 - 15:46
by Vosla
lemme guess, max... you already have lemmings in the oven for amiga remix ? :D

Posted: 25/03/2003 - 17:51
by Debith
Hey, it's great to have amiga remix site! Leave long and prosper, or something! :D

And if someone, somewhere, some day does good remix of Dogs of War, he'll definately will make one happier person to this planet. For a while, at least. :P

Posted: 25/03/2003 - 18:10
by Max Levin
Vossles: No, but I might start one now? :) I think that was one of the first really tasteless games I ever played. I mean this jolly music and these cute lemming-bastards getting crushed and decapitaded. I felt bad everytime I forgot to give them each a parachute while falling down this pit... the wonderful music... :( bwaaah :cry:

Posted: 25/03/2003 - 18:11
by Vosla
debith's signature :
'We, the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful.'

lemme guess... you are a networking guy ? 'coz it sounds so familiar...

Posted: 25/03/2003 - 18:13
by Vosla
@max :

oh, i really loved them dropping to death with that 'urgh' sound and the nice splash... :twisted:

Posted: 26/03/2003 - 15:46
by Debith
Vosla: Nope, developer. :D But that fact hits you to the face every day, with baseball bat. :) It seems you been there too :P