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S.N.O.R 4

Posted: 19/03/2003 - 20:06
by Max Levin
Had no real interest in pressing a new issue of the famous S.N.O.R-mag here until this day, so here it is now, read or dance!

Some months ago I got heavely surpriced while watching some documentary about earthquakes. Teacher turns the lights on as a signal that it's time to wake up from ones desk, another class with Pogo Pedagog and Co ("bore the kids to death with sciencefilm"-bonanza). Glaring up I notice something unbelievable: "... Whit.. Dav... David... ... DAVID WHITTAKER!!!???!??? HE MAKES DOCUMENTARY-MUSIC?!" If you noticed this phenomenon yourself then tell me, I wanna know if the music in these docus are good (I was asleep, duh). Maybe I'm the only one unaware of this new career of my true to honest god.... wait a second, ain't Linus Walleij my god? Do you really spell "god" without a capital "G"? And does this mean G.O.D may come up with a new remix soon? GHAAh

Sometimes I wish I could download Reason 2.5 at once, I really need that vocoder to finish up my Jarre;esque c64-remix. But Reason 2.5 is said to contain other interesting functions, but but but... I guess there's only one way to handle this problem: wait...

Did you know this: The Bitpop-cd that once came with an issue of Super Play-magazine has been presented in French television! It's when you read such news you know it's not long till we will see stuff like P.P.O.T's Comic Bakery game-boyband video on your fav musicvideo tv-show! Or?...

Without further ado, I'd like to announce that many people I recommend chatting at #remix64 does not even know how to use mIRC. And I cannot help them out since I've always had my mIRC on a backup-cd, or something. I know Mistahdistah doesn't know how the stuff works(sorry if you didn't want to appear on this list Duffy-mannen). All you others subscribe to this list and maybe(I say MAYBE) the nice(I said NICE) people(that is HUMANS) on(and I mean ¤smash%sock#pow¤... sorry, I'll stop it) the nice people on this website will help you out, because we love everyone in this world(except for George W. Piss and Madame Saddam)!

...WHICH leads me into another thing: am I the only one who starts to think of Mahoneys Armageddon Man-remix whenever those scenes from IRAQ where people build all these shelters to save themselves from Bush's bombings? Armageddon Man(Göran Persson?) has to work FAST before it's game over...

Next time I'm gonna talk about my worms, see ya

Posted: 20/03/2003 - 17:59
by Chris Abbott
The Bitpop-cd that once came with an issue of Super Play-magazine has been presented in French television!
Boz's and my little CD? On French Television?

Have you got any more details about that? Or are you talking about
the program on the Arte channel?


Posted: 20/03/2003 - 19:21
by Max Levin
Dunno, it says so in the latest issue of Super Play. Maybe it is the Arte channel youre talking about. Did you see it?

Posted: 21/03/2003 - 9:01
by Chris Abbott
There's a downloadable version of it somewhere...

Posted: 24/03/2003 - 22:46
by ifadeo
Chris Abbott wrote:There's a downloadable version of it somewhere...
here: ... 5b4f3e7309

have fun....

cheers 2Klang