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Thank you!!

Posted: 07/11/2005 - 23:26
by o2
I just wanna thank everyone involved with this project, also the bands playing. And ofcourse the people there.
I had a wonderful time, Even tho i had to carry madfiddlers heavy hardcase with equipment back to the hostel and Andreas hunting me with his camera. :)

Special thx to Ziphoid, Trace, Linnea.


Posted: 07/11/2005 - 23:47
by merman
o2, welcome to the madfiddler's "Honourary Roadie Club" ;)

Posted: 08/11/2005 - 0:41
by madfiddler
LOL - so you were the one lumbered with that whilst I was still out drinking eh?

Hehe, sorry about that... You know I got done at Copenhagen Airport for excess baggage :( Tight gits!

Good to meet you for the 1st time anyway Mr. o2.

Re: Thank you!!

Posted: 08/11/2005 - 8:58
by Andreas Wallström
o2 wrote:I just wanna thank everyone involved with this project, also the bands playing. And ofcourse the people there.
I had a wonderful time, Even tho i had to carry madfiddlers heavy hardcase with equipment back to the hostel and Andreas hunting me with his camera. :)

Special thx to Ziphoid, Trace, Linnea.

Great meeting you again o2 and I really, really got some cute pictures of you that I will publish on in a not too distant future. ;) I have one or three of the cute madfiddler too for this.

Posted: 08/11/2005 - 9:57
by Andreas Wallström
madfiddler wrote:LOL - so you were the one lumbered with that whilst I was still out drinking eh?

Hehe, sorry about that... You know I got done at Copenhagen Airport for excess baggage :( Tight gits!

Good to meet you for the 1st time anyway Mr. o2.
I was stopped at the airport as well, and I had to open the case where I had my double pedal. The guy started questioning me about it. What kind of band do you play in? (I got on about the C64, the 80's etc.) What is the name of the band then? Stuck in D'Eighties. And you play what? Erm, the drums. And you played where - Christiania? Erm, no, we played at Park Café, thank you very much. What a wanker!

Posted: 08/11/2005 - 10:01
by Chris Abbott
Because of course there are loads of fundamentalist muslim drummers in Copenhagen. It's a well known fact!


Posted: 08/11/2005 - 10:33
by fnordpojk
Swedish fundamentalist muslim retro C64 drummers, no less!

Posted: 08/11/2005 - 13:43
by Vosla
Shht! Keep a low profile. Or Bush will bomb Scandinavia. :lol:

Posted: 08/11/2005 - 16:23
by Matrix
Don't tempt fate.....

Posted: 13/11/2005 - 1:14
by lia
Oh, a special thanks to me ;) *happy happy joy joy*

I had a GREAT time too.. and I think I carried something too back to the hotel, but I don't know what it was though lol
But I could see you guys sleeping tight at the hotelroom when we arrived with all the equipment late or erhm... early in the morning ;P

Posted: 13/11/2005 - 2:45
by madfiddler
it wasn't a packet of violin strings was it? £70 of strings missing after the gig *sob* :(

Posted: 13/11/2005 - 4:10
by Matrix
Hi Lia... I love your hair..... just thought that was worth mentioning.... :oops:

Posted: 13/11/2005 - 11:17
by trace
The event was great, nice to meet all of you for the first time EVER, except for you o2 and ofcourse my sis lol :)

Nice Jam with Rob, Mark. Was really cool when you started jaming :)

Posted: 13/11/2005 - 19:07
by madfiddler
:) Thanks... notes are over-rated ;)