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C64 Trallpunk

Posted: 29/03/2003 - 19:31
by Komet64
Ok the subject might not mean anything to you if you aren't Swedish.
Anyway, in Sweden, a thing called "Trallpunk" is a music style that's not really punk at all but some kind of good natured more-fun-than-skill rock.

Anyway, there's a song by this trallpunk band called Hjalle & Heavy named "Commodore 64". Now, I don't know if this is an old song or if it's been discussed here while I've not been active in this forum, but nevertheless, this is a fun little gem. This might be mostly fun for swedes but I think others also could like it. It has a couple of nice sequences from Ghost 'n' Goblins I think.

Tillägg på svenska: Lyssna på denna! Den är jätterolig! Igenkänning direkt och läcker partylåt dessutom =)

Ehm, anyhooooo... I'm off to get a few drinks in the keel of a boat (yes, you heard me).


Posted: 30/03/2003 - 10:28
by Vosla
hey, dude... any links ? huh, huh ?

Posted: 30/03/2003 - 10:55
by Makke
Damn fine piece! Hehehe, they even mentioned "Datormagazin". *sigh* Those were the days...

Posted: 30/03/2003 - 13:40
by Komet64
Vosla: no link, sorry... but I think there's a lot of creative programs for fetching music these days *ahem*

Makke: Yeah! I know! That part of the song is my favorite also! And the following "Om tillexempel en giana sister skulle ramla i en grop, vilka gropar man ska ramla ner i och vilka man ska låta va" =)

-who owns Christer Rindeblads Amiga 2000 btw =)

Posted: 30/03/2003 - 18:03
by Max Levin
-who owns Christer Rindeblads Amiga 2000 btw =)
There's where me thinks you arth a liar :P

Posted: 08/04/2003 - 13:15
by Komet64
Max Levin wrote:
-who owns Christer Rindeblads Amiga 2000 btw =)
There's where me thinks you arth a liar :P
Oh, but I'm not!

Posted: 09/04/2003 - 9:50
by Yoshi
Where do I find this song?

Svenska kan jag ju... ;)