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Echoeing Theme Remix

Posted: 20/01/2006 - 11:57
by rave
Hello all,

This is my first attempt at a remix.

From the game Altered beast (I think) on the A500.

Here is the original .mod:

only info I could find on it:

Remix of an old
Protracker Module
sampled and tracked
by Scoff.
All rights reserved...

And here is my remix:'s%2 ... 0Remix.mp3


And let me know what you thinks.

Rave :)

Posted: 21/01/2006 - 7:50
by Dimmignatt
This almost sound like a straight ripoff...
Almost the same sounds used and there isn't much improvisation on it either..

Work some more on it.. the original sounded quite empty..
Try to add some more instruments and bring it to life.

Posted: 21/01/2006 - 9:39
by Boz
Brave attempt... I've always liked this MOD, so I guess I'm quite critical of it when someone remixes it. But the fact that there's "wrong notes" (to the point of a chord-change) kind of leaves me cold.

It's always difficult to remix an Amiga tune, because there's less of a "leap" to make between an 8-bit sampled instruments and real-world stuff (as opposed to SID and real-world), and I'm afraid this is one remix that suffers from the leap.

But keep working on it, because it's one of my favourite Amiga tunes! A more prominent lead instrument would help; the right notes / chord sequences on the main "verse", and a more flowing counterpoint would be a good start.


Posted: 23/01/2006 - 8:25
by rave
Thanks for the feedback guys.

I'm gonna take on board what you said and try and spice it up some more, initially i was trying to recreate the same feel of the original song as its one of my favourites too.

Still a first attempt thought so things can only get better. :)

Re: Echo

Posted: 23/01/2006 - 10:49
by Boz
rave wrote:Thanks for the feedback guys.

I'm gonna take on board what you said and try and spice it up some more, initially i was trying to recreate the same feel of the original song as its one of my favourites too.

Still a first attempt thought so things can only get better. :)
Absolutely! And good luck with it :)