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Episode #021: The Metal Special, part II available

Posted: 21/01/2006 - 16:35
by Jan Lund Thomsen
While everyone else in this country was watching the royal babtism on telly I put on my best growling voice (which is not very good, since I still have a cold) and produced an all-out metal edition of the C64 Take-away. If you prefer your remixes without screaming guitars, don't worry - things will be back to normal on the next show. :)

As usual, the MP3 is directly grabbable from the show site (no, you don't need iTunes or an iPod to listen to it) or via the podcast RSS feed. If you're using iTunes click here to go to the subscribtion page.

If you dig the show be sure to help it reaching a wider audience by voting for it every month.

Feedback most welcome, as usual.

Posted: 23/01/2006 - 1:30
by tony.rc
Hey I heard my name being mentioned :shock:
Well better than last time when you referred to me as an Aussie madman. :D
Jan Lund Thomsen wrote:While everyone else in this country was watching the royal babtism
I saw that on the news here too, I'm amazed Frederik & Mary named him Christian (who would have known). :D Now, Jan go update the Danish Royal family's web site.

I spent the weekend in my unit with the a/c on listening to the BIT Live DVD quite loudly. It was the best idea I could come up with to avoid the 43C something heat.

Posted: 23/01/2006 - 20:26
by tas
43 C in january is just wrong! :lol:

Posted: 24/01/2006 - 7:09
by Waz
Mind you, it is the middle of the Australian summer, so no surprise, except that it isn't normally forty three!

Anyway, great podcast as ever, Jan. Of course the metal specials are fine by me as I tend to really respect the remixes done in that style, and a perfect excuse to introduce Sidology 2 to the masses.

Now you just need to sound more throaty when doing your metal voice ;)

Posted: 24/01/2006 - 12:46
by rave
Hey Jan,

Excellent show as always, and A w00t for the shout man!

Keep up the awesome work and keep em comming!

Kai :)