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GROWL! Computer Death!!! HELP!

Posted: 30/01/2006 - 18:46
by Sonic Wanderer
Anybody have an Athlon XP 2500+ or similar for sale?!?!?!!?!?
My CPU died today (R.I.P.), and I neeeeeeeed to keep doing music!!!!! This is a disaster!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!

Posted: 30/01/2006 - 20:05
by FFRenzy
What do you want, the expensive, or the cheap answer ?
The expensive : Buy a new CPU
The cheap : Buy a kazoo :wink:

Posted: 30/01/2006 - 20:21
by Chris Abbott
Problem solv-ed :)

Posted: 30/01/2006 - 21:06
by Dimmignatt
I have an Athlon XP 2500+ Barton..
but I can't sell it.. since I need it myself (that comp is broken at the moment) But I'm going to fix it..

sorry.. If It was something more than just the power source ? (nätagg) on that computer that was broken I would've sold it to ya.

Posted: 30/01/2006 - 22:15
by the_JinX
The cheap : Buy a kazoo Wink
That just made me thing of my favorite version of the Final Countdown (Toydolls)

Posted: 30/01/2006 - 22:24
by Sonic Wanderer
As the Man of Many Mysteries (A.k.a. Chris Abbott) said, "Problem Solv-ed". =)
There's one rock of a man, right there. =)

Now I just have to sit tight until the solv-ed problem makes it way over here. 8)

Bow to the master. Chris is our God.

Posted: 30/01/2006 - 23:33
by skitz
You're a bloody jinx you are Sonic! I've just broken my Graphic card (physically!) while upgrading my system BIOS to solve a problem with the USB controller - long story....

Still, gives me a good excuse to go and get an ATI Radeon 1900 I guess :)

Posted: 30/01/2006 - 23:53
It seems you Athlon died because a bad or destryed CPU Fan. Normally the board should react and shutting down if the CPU temperature is too high. The Athlon XP is well known for burning down.

Take an Athlon 64 next time.

Posted: 30/01/2006 - 23:54
by FFRenzy
the_JinX wrote:
The cheap : Buy a kazoo Wink
That just made me thing of my favorite version of the Final Countdown (Toydolls)
i was more thinking in the lines of Zak McKracken, when you want to call the bus :wink:

Posted: 31/01/2006 - 9:41
by Romeo Knight
FFRenzy wrote:What do you want, the expensive, or the cheap answer ?
The expensive : Buy a new CPU
The cheap : Buy a kazoo :wink:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 31/01/2006 - 12:27
by Tonka
My Kazoo just died - does anyone know of a Kazoo VSTi I could use?... :wink:


Posted: 31/01/2006 - 12:44
by Romeo Knight

Posted: 31/01/2006 - 13:02
by Tonka
You have GOT to be f**king kidding me!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

What next? A 'barking dog' VST? An 'old lady falling down some stairs' VST? A 'VST' VST?... :wink:


Posted: 09/02/2006 - 22:13
by Sonic Wanderer
Replacement CPU installed and appears to be running fine.
I seem to be up and running again. Happy-happy, joy-joy. 8)

Posted: 11/02/2006 - 11:32
by Makke
Good news! :D