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Episode #022 available

Posted: 06/02/2006 - 9:11
by Jan Lund Thomsen
As promised, I've tucked the hard-rock remixes away this week, to once again bring you the kinder, gentler side of SIDs and remixes. :D

As usual, the MP3 is directly grabbable from the show site (no, you don't need iTunes or an iPod to listen to it) or via the podcast RSS feed. If you're using iTunes click here to go to the subscribtion page.

Please notice that the website and feed URLs have changed!. The show site is now at and the feed is at, so please update your browser bookmarks and podcast clients. Current iTunes subscribers have been moved to the new feeed automatically, and the old feed contains instructions on how to make the transistion.

As usual - if you dig the show be sure to help it reaching a wider audience by voting for it every month on PodcastAlley.

Posted: 06/02/2006 - 22:29
by Romeo Knight
Hey Jan, great show! :)
I'm quite new to the podcasts but I missed to give you more valuable info about that Ballblazer thingy e.g. Boz' guitar cameo, the origin of the commentary etc.

Posted: 07/02/2006 - 11:02
by merman
That's one ball-blazin' remix, RK. Loved the show, Jan - although I have noticed a problem with the feed on MyYahoo...

Posted: 07/02/2006 - 16:52
by Makke
Which reminds me I need to get my Podcast-grabbing-client up to date with the new feed URL.

Posted: 07/02/2006 - 22:30
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Romeo Knight wrote:Hey Jan, great show! :)
I'm quite new to the podcasts but I missed to give you more valuable info about that Ballblazer thingy e.g. Boz' guitar cameo, the origin of the commentary etc.
Don't worry - I'm sure I'll play it again on a future show. You can provide me with a recording of your comments on the track later. =)

Posted: 07/02/2006 - 22:32
by Jan Lund Thomsen
merman wrote:Loved the show, Jan - although I have noticed a problem with the feed on MyYahoo...
Thanks for pointing it out, Andrew. It's odd that Yahoo have the feed-address wrong, seeing as they've managed to catch on to the new show site URL.

I'll look into it post-haste.

Posted: 07/02/2006 - 22:35
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Makke wrote:Which reminds me I need to get my Podcast-grabbing-client up to date with the new feed URL.
Ah, so you're one of those people that are messing up my subscribtion stats by still hanging on to the old feed. You fiend. ;)

Posted: 08/02/2006 - 0:06
by weblaus
Jan Lund Thomsen wrote:
Makke wrote:Which reminds me I need to get my Podcast-grabbing-client up to date with the new feed URL.
Ah, so you're one of those people that are messing up my subscribtion stats by still hanging on to the old feed. You fiend. ;)
For some reason my iTunes subscription didn't switch over to the new feed automatically, which I didn't notice until the new episode came around... maybe some other people also have that problem?

Posted: 08/02/2006 - 6:48
by Jan Lund Thomsen
weblaus wrote:For some reason my iTunes subscription didn't switch over to the new feed automatically, which I didn't notice until the new episode came around... maybe some other people also have that problem?
Didn't you get the short "The Take-away has moved" mp3 message on the old feed? I put that out to make sure that everyone got the news.

Also, did you subscribe via the iTunes music store, or by pasting the feed URL into the advanced > "subscribe to podcast" dialog box? I'm not sure the latter option propagates the update (which would explain the current ~50/day iTunes hits on the old feed)

Posted: 08/02/2006 - 19:15
by weblaus
Jan Lund Thomsen wrote:Didn't you get the short "The Take-away has moved" mp3 message on the old feed? I put that out to make sure that everyone got the news.
That showed up, along with iTuns for some reason also listing all previous episodes a second time in the list despite having them already downloaded once.
Also, did you subscribe via the iTunes music store, or by pasting the feed URL into the advanced > "subscribe to podcast" dialog box? I'm not sure the latter option propagates the update (which would explain the current ~50/day iTunes hits on the old feed)
I don't remember for sure, but I think I subscribed via the store.