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Where did all the new arrangers come from?

Posted: 21/02/2006 - 14:49
by Yoshi
Just curious.. there was new tunes on rko from at least 10 arrangers that I didnt recognize.

Posted: 21/02/2006 - 16:00
by Chris Abbott
> Where did all the new arrangers come from?

Well, when a Mummy arranger and a Daddy arranger love each other very much...

Posted: 21/02/2006 - 16:19
by LMan
Won't somebody PLEEEEEEEEASE think of the children!!!

Posted: 21/02/2006 - 19:13
by tas
the last year or so certainly has been the Year of the newcommers. I've noticed familiar faces vanish and a massive influx of newbies. The scene has most certainly changed over the last year.. Old hero's have vanished (detert, Schneider, Brown, etc) but new heroes are arriving..

Makes you think a bit doesn't it.. i wonder if the newbies are of the younger generation that was inspired by the folk of yesteryear.

Posted: 21/02/2006 - 19:18
by trace
Maybe they ar old remixers with new names :?: ;)

Posted: 21/02/2006 - 19:21
by tas
heh, a conspiracy theory ;)

Posted: 21/02/2006 - 21:19
by Jan Lund Thomsen
tas wrote:Old hero's have vanished (detert, Schneider, Brown, etc) but new heroes are arriving..
Funny you should say that - Markus Schneider uploaded a new track to RKO a few minutes ago. :D

Posted: 21/02/2006 - 21:35
by the_JinX
Now that is good news..

On a side note.. it's good to see all the new arangers.. It means 'the scene' is still alive and kicking.. HARD !!

Posted: 22/02/2006 - 16:22
by dan gillgrass
Jan Lund Thomsen wrote: Funny you should say that - Markus Schneider uploaded a new track to RKO a few minutes ago. :D
Im there!!!! (not that I like his stuff *cough*)

Posted: 22/02/2006 - 18:30
by Lagerfeldt
tas wrote:t.. Old hero's have vanished (detert, Schneider, Brown, etc) but new heroes are arriving..
Where did Detert go??

Posted: 22/02/2006 - 19:21
by LMan
Lagerfeldt wrote: Where did Detert go??
Has become a daddy last summer. Any further questions? ;)

Posted: 22/02/2006 - 19:23
by tas
Busy i think...

His buisness seems to be doing very well from the last i heard. Miss the chap really, nice bloke and a good musician.

ahhh yes and what Lman said ;)

Posted: 22/02/2006 - 19:54
by Makke
The only "bad" thing about it is that few of the new remixers seem to become regulars on these boards. :(

But it's great to see some new names!

Posted: 22/02/2006 - 20:37
by Lagerfeldt
LMan / Remix64 wrote:
Lagerfeldt wrote: Where did Detert go??
Has become a daddy last summer. Any further questions? ;)
Ah, I see! Great, did he post any pics, I can't recall. Remember some pics from his wedding though.

I also got married last year and probably going to get a baby in a year or so too. :-) Anyway business is great here too so I've had absolutely *zero* time for actually making C64 remixes in ages. :?

Posted: 22/02/2006 - 20:57
by LMan
AFAIK he didn't post any pictures in public, unfortunately. You could contact him, I'm sure he'll send you some. :)