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Play live using Skype?

Posted: 02/03/2006 - 21:49
by kjetiln
Hello all, I am a regular forum visitor, but don't post alot... ;)

I am just wondering if anyone are interested to play live for fun over the internet using SKYPE.

I play the keyboard and like to play old c64 and amiga classics for myself, but it is more fun to have others to play with.

I live in Bergen in Norway and don't think too many of you live anywhere near me, so I think playing over the internet is the only solution for me as I don't have many friends that are able to play any intstruments.. :)

I don't know if anyone are allready doing this :?:

Please give me a PM or post here if you are interested =)

Posted: 03/03/2006 - 13:25
by Tonka
Hi Kjetlin.

There is another post about 'Internet Jamming' here: viewtopic.php?t=3034

Not my cup of tea, but others here seem interested...


Posted: 03/04/2006 - 8:47
by gibs
strange idea :)

Posted: 03/04/2006 - 20:46
by Vosla
With the right set of speakers / mikes it's worth a try, I think.

Though you have to get used to the idea that you jam with people not physically present...
To me, this would be as awkward as roleplaying over internet without visible feedback...

And don't forget the lag as small it may be.