And so another newbie steps in...

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And so another newbie steps in...

Post by Rexy »

*waves nervously* Ahem, hi, I'm a new person to the site, but not the scene in general as I've been hanging around places like VGMix (from Winter 2004) and OCR (became more active there a year later). I thank Liontamer for promoting much of the stuff from RKO on VG Frequency, and if it weren't for that awareness I wouldn't have imagined this kind of community would have existed O.O

Still, I have another thing to mention as well. Over the next week or two I will be making my first ever submission to RKO. I've done plenty of remixes from other platforms, and I think now's the time to expand a little bit more. I understand how the procedure works, but I also know that the site's operated by one person who uploads what he likes.

I just want to know the faint idea on how long it takes to get it hosted if it gets accepted. It's strange that I'm asking here, but I can't seem to find any pinned board FAQs or something like that.

Regardless of whatever answers I get, thank you for welcoming me in advance, and to those that *do* have remixes on RKO, I say keep up the good work :)
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Post by Vosla »

Welcome to the boards, Rexy!
May your stay be a good and productive one! :)
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Re: And so another newbie steps in...

Post by Chris Abbott »

Rexy wrote:*waves nervously* Ahem, hi, I'm a new person to the site, but not the scene in general as I've been hanging around places like VGMix (from Winter 2004) and OCR (became more active there a year later). I thank Liontamer for promoting much of the stuff from RKO on VG Frequency, and if it weren't for that awareness I wouldn't have imagined this kind of community would have existed O.O

Still, I have another thing to mention as well. Over the next week or two I will be making my first ever submission to RKO. I've done plenty of remixes from other platforms, and I think now's the time to expand a little bit more. I understand how the procedure works, but I also know that the site's operated by one person who uploads what he likes.

I just want to know the faint idea on how long it takes to get it hosted if it gets accepted. It's strange that I'm asking here, but I can't seem to find any pinned board FAQs or something like that.

Regardless of whatever answers I get, thank you for welcoming me in advance, and to those that *do* have remixes on RKO, I say keep up the good work :)
In general Jan doesn't commit to timescales because the site is done in his spare time, so he doesn't know when he can fit in the necessary admin. So it can vary tremendously... RKO does have upload guidelines which can be viewed on the upload page, btw.

Welcome, anyway!

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Post by Makke »

Welcome, Rexy! Looking forward to hearing your C64 stuff! :D
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Re: And so another newbie steps in...

Post by Rexy »

Chris Abbott wrote:In general Jan doesn't commit to timescales because the site is done in his spare time, so he doesn't know when he can fit in the necessary admin. So it can vary tremendously... RKO does have upload guidelines which can be viewed on the upload page, btw.
Yeah, I managed to read the guidelines through. That's where I ended up seeing how the site operates and so forth. Don't panic, I would never butcher them up on purpose ;)
Nonetheless, the answer was much appreciated. But when you say it varies, are you referring to something like a day to a week, or a week to a month, or something similar to that affect? Just curious.

Thanks for the welcome, and to you too Vosla and Makke... omg. THE Makke. I could fangirl scrawl as much as I want in this space right now, but I think that would clutter up the forums :o
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Re: And so another newbie steps in...

Post by Chris Abbott »

Rexy wrote:
Chris Abbott wrote:In general Jan doesn't commit to timescales because the site is done in his spare time, so he doesn't know when he can fit in the necessary admin. So it can vary tremendously... RKO does have upload guidelines which can be viewed on the upload page, btw.
Yeah, I managed to read the guidelines through. That's where I ended up seeing how the site operates and so forth. Don't panic, I would never butcher them up on purpose ;)
Nonetheless, the answer was much appreciated. But when you say it varies, are you referring to something like a day to a week, or a week to a month, or something similar to that affect? Just curious.

Thanks for the welcome, and to you too Vosla and Makke... omg. THE Makke. I could fangirl scrawl as much as I want in this space right now, but I think that would clutter up the forums :o
ImageHa-ha! Rexy loves Makke!

As for timing, when I say "varies", I mean "really varies", although the throughput seems quite quick at the moment from my observations.

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Re: And so another newbie steps in...

Post by dan gillgrass »

Chris Abbott wrote: As for timing, when I say "varies", I mean "really varies", although the throughput seems quite quick at the moment from my observations.

Yea, seems that way at the moment, ive seen stuff cleared from the Q in the space of a day thru to, sometimes a month. When u upload a tune it goes thru the prejury which Jan take notice of so your tune just isnt heard by one person before its gets accepted or rejected.

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Post by Jan Lund Thomsen »

Buried within the depths of the upload guidelines: "wait patiently for new uploads to be proccessed. Even if it takes longer than you expect." :D

Currently the queue holds 12 tunes, with the oldest one dating back to February 17th. As others have pointed out the time between submission varies greatly - depending on how many tunes are queued already, how busy I am, how busy the jury is, and so on. The submitted tunes themselves are often the biggest "problem" - some of them are instantly marked for approval on my personal list, while others may clog up the system as I give them additional airplay on my iPod and while the jury (whose efforts are greatly appreciated) catches up on the earlier submissions.
Last edited by Jan Lund Thomsen on 07/03/2006 - 6:14, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: And so another newbie steps in...

Post by Analog-X64 »

Rexy wrote:*waves nervously* Ahem, hi, I'm a new person to the site, but not the scene in general as I've been hanging around places like VGMix (from Winter 2004) and OCR (became more active there a year later).
Welcome Rexy!!! Glad to see you found us.

Looking forward to hearing your submission in the near future, I've been a member since 2002 and I have yet to submit anything, talk about procrastination. :)
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Post by LMan »

Welcome aboard Rexy! :D

More "Getting started" info for you:

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Post by ifadeo »

welcome, have a good time here!!!

cheers ifadeo
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Post by StormKeeper »

Welcome :)
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Post by Larsec »

Welcome Rexy! :D It's great to see you here. You are a most welcome addition to the R64 community :cheers:
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Post by Sidman 64 »

Welcome onboard the love train that is our C64 scene :lol:
Enjoy :wink:
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Post by Liontamer »

Bev, what'd you submit?
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