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hypothetical(legal stuff)

Posted: 11/03/2006 - 15:57
by Aero
I friend of mine asked me the other day what the rights are for sids. He had gotten the idea of renting a pub/dancefloor where it he wanted to play a lot of sidmusic and eventually some remixes. I can't imagine that he wanted to make money out of it, this is rather a fun thing. It would however have to include an entrance fee since it would cost about 5000 swedish crowns (about 500 euro) to rent it.
So my question is: What are the rights for sidmusic and the remixes?
It would of course be common politness to ask the remixers first about their work, but what goes for the original tunes?
Even though i don't think anyone would really care, I can imagine that it's different than to make a remix of it on rko since money is involved.

Posted: 11/03/2006 - 18:17
by Chris Abbott
First off: not a terribly original idea :)

The legal position is that if the venue has a licence for the broadcast of music, then (in theory), someone should write down everything that's played, and pay a percentage of the gate receipts to the venue, who will then be billed by the people who gave him the licence. In reality the sums involved are so small they never show up on any radars so this hardly ever happens (for instance, I was never asked to fill in paperwork for Gossips, though I was for St. Luke's and Brighton - and never got a penny back for the composers, which was a bit of a gyp: sometimes the rules just plain don't work).

In general I would say: the legal rights for SIDs are the least of the problems in doing an event like this, so he should probably just make sure the venue knows what it's doing: it's pretty much up to them how it's handled legally.

If he wants to play tracks from commercial remix CDs all night, he's welcome, frankly.


Posted: 11/03/2006 - 20:13
by Aero
Thanks a lot for you reply :D
I'll forward this thread to him