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New Feature: What's hot?

Posted: 18/04/2006 - 18:18
by LMan
From the news
As you might notice, the middle column of the Remix64 welcome page now holds the headlines of selected scene related feeds. The colour of the date will indicate, how "hot" the item is - visitors of the messageboard might be familiar with this. The idea is to give you a quick overview of scene events that you might not want to miss: live radio shows, podcasts, scene news.
Please post your comments and feed suggestions here. :)

Posted: 18/04/2006 - 18:57
by Max Levin
"Latest Forum Entries" should be on top

Posted: 18/04/2006 - 20:04
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Bringing the big picture into a very small space. Nice one, LMeister.

And no, I don't think Forum posts should be at the top (and I'm not just saying that coz the Take-away holds that position :)). People who visit the front page go there for the news, whereas us forum junkies head straight for - I know I do. :D

Posted: 19/04/2006 - 10:21
by Makke
Excellent work, LMan!
Jan Lund Thomsen wrote:People who visit the front page go there for the news, whereas us forum junkies head straight for - I know I do. :D
Agreed. I check the front page two or three times per week, while I check the forums two or three times per day. So the current possition suits fine imo.

Posted: 19/04/2006 - 13:33
by merman
That's a nice feature (and I was surprised by the entry on the c64music blog about my Beatles covers!)

Posted: 20/04/2006 - 20:58
by C64GLeN
This is a very cool feature. I have a couple of questions.

Does it pull the info from the sites RSS feeds, If so is your own code?

Posted: 21/04/2006 - 8:19
by LMan
It pulls info from the sites' RSS or Atom feeds. I have written a php class that parses and caches the feeds contents into associative arrays, in given intervals. These arrays can then be easily displayed in any desired form.

Posted: 24/04/2006 - 21:13
by C64GLeN
Thats exactly what I've been to lazy program for my site. I must get around to do it.

It's really well done, good job :cheers: