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Its time to step away from the scene for a while....

Posted: 24/04/2006 - 20:53
by Subzero
As I sit here and think about my life, I realise whats important to me at the moment. Getting fit, getting back to work, getting time with my son, getting time with my new girl - so, in order to make time for all of these some things have to take a back seat - I havent been very active on these forums for a while so nothing much will change really, I just wont be attending any meets, popping into IRC as much as I used to, wont be listening to slay radio and annoying Boz while hes on air either (he'll be happy with that). On a good note, you guys are a beautiful bunch of guys and I thankyou for all the support you've given people over the years. I wont say goodbye, more like....see you soon.

I hope that when I get my results from the hospital, someone will get a message from me and let you all know.

And on a final note - I finally got around to getting a frame for Bogs beautiful sanxion render :)


Posted: 24/04/2006 - 21:12
by Matrix
Photo request :lol: of your good lady that is, not the frame :lol:

Hey though - take it easy man, we all need a break sometime - this is yours; have fun with your time and your son.

Best wishes.

Posted: 24/04/2006 - 23:17
by merman
Take care Steve, and good luck with the hospital visit. Stay positive.

Posted: 24/04/2006 - 23:24
by Kenz
Hi Steve,

Good luck with everything, a change is as good as a rest as they say - er, or something. The remix scene will still be here when you want to pop back. I actually ducked out for a while at the start of the year following our (terrible) house-move - but the break did me good and I got all retro and creative once again. :)

Take it easy buddy!

Kenz & Mrs Kenz.

Posted: 24/04/2006 - 23:43
by StormKeeper
Good luck man, see you again sometime :)

Posted: 25/04/2006 - 5:42
by LMan
Good luck, good health, and enjoy your break! Your son and your girl will appreciate it :)

Posted: 25/04/2006 - 8:09
by dan gillgrass
Try not to breaky *anything* else with that lightsabre of yours whilst you are away, take care mate!

Posted: 25/04/2006 - 8:16
by LMan
dan gillgrass wrote:Try not to breaky *anything* else with that lightsabre of yours whilst you are away, take care mate!
From the "Star Wars: KotOR" manual:
"Lightsabres: Only Jedi have the skill to use these weapons. Any other users would be more likely to injure themselves than their opponents."

Posted: 25/04/2006 - 9:57
by Matrix
LMan / Remix64 wrote:
dan gillgrass wrote:Try not to breaky *anything* else with that lightsabre of yours whilst you are away, take care mate!
From the "Star Wars: KotOR" manual:
"Lightsabres: Only Jedi have the skill to use these weapons. Any other users would be more likely to injure themselves than their opponents."
Fixed that for you.... ;)

"Lightsabres: Only Jedi have the skill to use these weapons. Any other users would be more likely to injure themselves and their components."


Posted: 25/04/2006 - 10:29
by gibs
take care :-)

hope to see you soon ! :cry:

Posted: 25/04/2006 - 17:15
by Vosla
Yeah, Steve! Good luck with everything!
But... don't forget to come back sooner or later!

All thumbs crossed for you, mate!!! :D

Posted: 26/04/2006 - 9:46
by madfiddler
all the best mate...

Posted: 26/04/2006 - 10:23
by Sidman 64
All the best and goodluck :wink:

Posted: 26/04/2006 - 12:49
by Boz
Yep... you go and recharge the batteries and all that, it will certainly help. All the best mate.

Oh, and before you go.... Where's yer troosers? ;)

Posted: 26/04/2006 - 14:56
by Makke
Hope you get everything sorted out and you batteries recharged soon, mate!

All the best!