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A serious meant theme...

Posted: 11/05/2006 - 14:21
Chris brought me to that idea...and it's a voluntarily thread.

Do you have good friends, relatives, neighbours or teammates or other family bades persons being gay or lesbian? And how do you deal with it?

It's a heavy, easy or maybe funny situation for you or maybe you're admitting it that you're itself?

You may use this thread anonymous with the poll only or writing some line and talk about a serious theme growing more and more in the last years worldwide...

Posted: 11/05/2006 - 14:42
by FFRenzy
Isn't it normal in these kinds of topic that the topicstarter him/herself posts the first reply to his/her own question ?, i'm not gay. And i don't have anything against gay people, except for one thing.
Gay people always want to be respected and treated as normal people ) equal rights ), which is fine by me..... But why the hell do they also want to stand out ( see gay parades etc. ). That's a contradiction i can't really fathom.
BTW, this contradiction doesn't apply to gay people, but to almost all groups of people that are targets of prejudice.

Posted: 11/05/2006 - 16:28
by Rondo
FFRenzy wrote:Gay people always want to be respected and treated as normal people ) equal rights ), which is fine by me..... But why the hell do they also want to stand out ( see gay parades etc. ). That's a contradiction i can't really fathom.
It's not necessarily a contradiction. If you feel that you're being treated unfairly, you speak out and say so, right? The way I see it, parades and other high-publicity events are a collective way of doing just that. I presume that they also foster a sense of unity, which is important for a community to survive under pressure.

Posted: 11/05/2006 - 17:10
by the_JinX
I'm not gay.. Just slightly Bi-Sexual..

You could call it Bi-Curious..

If there's a nice (and prefferably good looking) person.. I don't look at gender necesseraly..

That being said.. I am however monogamous..

Posted: 11/05/2006 - 18:42
the_JinX wrote:I'm not gay.. Just slightly Bi-Sexual..
Now I know what I've extra poll for this "Bi", maybe the most important. :oops:

Why isn't possible to edit polls after starting. Could any moderator do this, please? :roll:

Posted: 11/05/2006 - 20:31
by Tonka
Well, I'm not gay (man, that would REALLY piss off my wife!) and (of course) have no problem with other people being gay.

What I HAVE found from experience meeting gays and lesbians is that they generally let themselves down a little by talking WAY too much about their sexuality.

I also really hate that "Don't knock it 'till you've tried it" and "How can you be SURE you're not gay?" shit, which most seem to spout. I'm not gay, I don't want to try it and I'm far too much in love with Charlotte Church's ASS to ever feel any different ;)


I know it must be a big deal for gays and a huge relief when a person finally 'comes out', but it seems from that point on most (not all) don't know when to shut up about it!!!

My cousin is gay, from a military background (father and brothers) and has met with very little resistance since coming out (we always kinda knew anyway). I think this is mainly because he doesn't mince around the place like some 'Will & Grace' cliche. He just prefers men to women sexually, and that's how it is - he has nothing to prove or apologise for...

I think it's more difficult when you're younger and I know my cousin was picked on, which was wrong, but no more wrong than how I was picked on for being a fat kid or my sister for wearing glasses, etc. Everyone has a cross to bear.

We are all different and as long as you are not actively hurting anyone or anything else with it, go ahead and do what you feel compelled to do :)

That's my 5p's worth anyway.

Thank's for listening and good night :)


Posted: 11/05/2006 - 22:48
by gibs
not gay :) not bi

straight :)

Posted: 12/05/2006 - 7:20
by Romeo Knight
I like to eat pussy.

Posted: 12/05/2006 - 7:37
by Chris Abbott
Romeo Knight wrote:I like to eat pussy.
OK, so you have a crummy diet. What about the question? :)

Posted: 12/05/2006 - 7:54
by DHS
Romeo Knight wrote:I like to eat pussy.
Man, i've born to eat pussy. There are few better things in life, really ;)

Beside that, i've some gay friend, even some transexual ones.
And i must agree with Tonka: many gays talk too much about their sexuality, maybe they feel they have to justify themselves to the outside, dunno.

Anyway, no problems here with gays: just think that the infamous "I'm not gay" and "I'm gay gay" songs, done as a joke for the #slayradio community, have been welcome with a big smile by part of the gay community.

Posted: 12/05/2006 - 10:11
by Moad'Dib
Nice photo! :wink:

Tonka, I hope you are aware of that thing if you show this photo to a gay man, it is the same if he would show a photo of a hairy-assed man to you. :P

We never could assure these gay men about that: there isn't anything more delicious like a nicely rounded horny woman botty. :twisted:

I don't care what gay and lesbian people doing until my kids don't see it or get knowledge of it.

Posted: 12/05/2006 - 10:43
by Romeo Knight
But you should also care about that they do not see what some heterosexuals do. :mrgreen:

Posted: 12/05/2006 - 12:43
by Moad'Dib
Romeo Knight wrote:But you should also care about that they do not see what some heterosexuals do. :mrgreen:
I've got two sons. So I don't care if they look some healthy straight sex action, just in reason... :lol:

Posted: 12/05/2006 - 12:45
Aren't they cute??? :drool::roll: :P

So, the justice is saved once again.;)

Image Image

Posted: 12/05/2006 - 13:13
by DHS
I think Boz in tarzan outfit would be sexier :>