Washing his white waistcoat with this king of dirty actions earnst the sovereign contempt from me, as well as some persons copying private messages from me in public chats.<Ziphoid> Well, I better get my arse to bed. I have to get up at 5.20 to drive my sister to the airport. If that sorry ass (name removed) (whose name actually is Manuel, which explains a lot if you look at the IQ-level of his namesake in Fawlty Towers) jumps in again, tell him that he should have a happy 9th birthday from me, pretty please?
And whatever fucking shit some guys mean to argue the converse here now, I will prove the opponsite again!!!
And it surely will not be the last time supervising the chat between the lines as or with hidden user, it's your fate Ziphy, not mine!!! - And I will make it public like everyone doing the same with others who won't, permanently!!! to make it clear what's going on here sometimes - Just a satisfaction at those people thinking that proved propaganda would be "paranoid".
Just shameful!!!
And there's nothing more to say...