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Random drums...

Posted: 19/06/2006 - 16:15
by trace
It's fun to do random bass and drums and put it together :)
Here's a short thingie i did just now in about 5 mins :)

I'm not sure how it sounds in your speakers cause i'm playing thru my crappy speakers for the moment, not my monitors :)


Care to comment? :)

He He ... nice idea :)

Posted: 19/06/2006 - 22:43
by Zuckerfrei
Huh? What a nice idea :) Sounds good for me ... :)

Well, I instantly had to free my 303 from dust. So, I fooled around
with drums and filters. Heres my contribution to the 5 minutes takes:



Posted: 20/06/2006 - 8:43
by trace
Nice one :)

This is my way to be creative when i am lost for inspiration :)

Posted: 22/06/2006 - 2:39
by Analog-X64
Well....this thread inspired me to record this track which is named "Inspiration" for this reason.

It started out as a short little simple track and turned into the product you see below.

It needs cleaning up etc...but since its supposed to be a quick thing. Here it is. ... _.mp3.html

PS: It has a special ending.

Posted: 22/06/2006 - 8:57
by trace
I can't download it... :(

Posted: 22/06/2006 - 10:09
by Analog-X64
Hmmm I was able to do it easily.

1. Click on Link.
2. Click on FREE Button on the bottom right hand side.
3. Wait 21 seconds.
4. Enter Security Image Validation Code and its there.

I will see if I can get it hosted somewhere else in the mean time.

Posted: 22/06/2006 - 10:22
by Analog-X64

Posted: 22/06/2006 - 12:41
by trace
Got it now, Smooth track and nice speech and a little touch of commando at the end :)

This tread might just be a place for those who don't have much inspiration so they can come here and listen to some stuff and get inspired and/or give those of us who don't have any inspirtaion at the moment ;)

EDIT: BTW: here's another thingie betaer

Posted: 22/06/2006 - 15:56
by Analog-X64
I'm glad you liked it. The intention of the bit of commando at the end was to teaze the listener of wanting more. I'm not sure if it works or not but that is the idea.

I like the betaer its short and sweet.

Now as for the Djing Short, I could probably do something with it, if I had the bass line, lead and drum samples all seperated into their individual components. I'm thinking along the lines of a dance track in the 90's style.

Posted: 22/06/2006 - 16:18
by trace
What do you use to do music? :)
DJing is all reason :)

Here are all the extracted tracks for you and all who wants to fool around with it ;)djing_extracted_tracks

Posted: 22/06/2006 - 16:44
by Analog-X64
I use FL Studio, if you can just dump/render the individual tracks to audio format I can take it from there. Dont worry about looping and such I can do that.

It will be interesting what the end result will be. :)

Posted: 22/06/2006 - 17:19
by trace
It will be ineteresting endeed :)

Posted: 24/06/2006 - 8:37
by moog
Analog-X: MAN, You should make commando remix (like this piece from the end of Your tune). Would be great. :D

Posted: 24/06/2006 - 14:04
by Dafunk
here's one from me. ok, it wasn't made in 5min but i got quite uninspired while making it, that's why i left it unfinished and never made a progress to it later. so, i thought of putting it here as it is...

originally it supposed to be a remix of this tune:
/VARIOUS/S-z/Shade/Flasher.sid (tune from a demo by Flash Inc. called 'Prometheus Unbound' it was in the globe part...)

download here

Posted: 24/06/2006 - 20:18
by Analog-X64
moog wrote:Analog-X: MAN, You should make commando remix (like this piece from the end of Your tune). Would be great. :D
The bar is set to so high with existing Commando Remixes, I dont know if I could do anything more original, and besides I might get pelted and bood off stage with Fruits and Vegetables being thrown at me. hehehehe.

Hmmm.....who knows I may do it anyway and put it under this thread.