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What kind of program do you use to make c64 remixes?

Posted: 29/04/2003 - 18:53
by Krakout
Well. I have a FATAR SL-161 master keyboard... And that's it. I am not a musician, I just brought it for fun and hobby. What kind of programs do you recommend for this "equipment" to make remixes?
Cos I would try to make some. Don't be affraid. Just for entertainment myself. :)

Posted: 29/04/2003 - 21:21
by Paul Vanukoff
I love Renoise It has a lot of features and it's only $45 to register. There are more powerful programs out there of course, but I like it simple and cheap ... :D

Posted: 29/04/2003 - 21:47
by Infamous
I use jeskola buzz........madtracker or fasttracker.....or infact ANY tracker as long as it uses the ol c-4 c#3.....technique im so used too now (anyone remember good ol octamed......what a beast she was..)
For a while i mucked about with fruityloops....but learnt too hate it....and the 2 remixes ive done on here were the bstard child of madtracker and buzz.
I like to fiddle now n then with cool edit and my vast collection of samples etc too see if i can make something new......I dont actually own ANY equipment at all......doing it the old way......wonder how many others do that still?....or am i alone?

theres a poll in there somewere lol.....

anyway both jeskola AND if u want a decent free tracker id go for modplug.....mad's really good but u have to register it (even though it IS only a pitance........something like $19....)