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(name removed) has left the building

Posted: 04/07/2006 - 14:55
by Chris Abbott
Due to numerous violations of the rules, and today an apparent spamming campaign, (name removed)'s account has been deactivated. We gave him a fair chance, but he blew it.


Posted: 04/07/2006 - 15:12
by Romeo Knight
My got, what a bloke. I'll never understand what people like him makes them behave like that :roll:

Posted: 04/07/2006 - 15:15
by the_JinX
Ah.. I thought the "Write in your own whacky language" forum was meant to save us from (name removed)ian spam..

Seems this is the ultimate solution..

That's all the words I'm gonna spend on him.. I tried to talk to him once or twice (PM on #slayradio) but he is just too locked up in his own little world it seems..

Posted: 04/07/2006 - 15:19
by Ziphoid
@Romeo Knight:

From what I heard, you had some exclusive tracks coming up for his radio station as well, huh? ;)

Posted: 04/07/2006 - 15:33
by Makke
I love how I was automatically signed up for the Radio (name removed) newsletter, without asking for it...or even knowing that I wanted it...

Posted: 04/07/2006 - 15:45
by Boz
Makke wrote:I love how I was automatically signed up for the Radio (name removed) newsletter, without asking for it...or even knowing that I wanted it...
Oh, but you DO want it. How many times have you wanted to know your hovercraft was full of eels?

Posted: 04/07/2006 - 16:07
by Romeo Knight
Ziphoid wrote:From what I heard, you had some exclusive tracks coming up for his radio station as well, huh? ;)
I told him I'd send him new remixes while they're waiting in the queue ( just like I did with Slayradio a few times before), but this was mainly before things started getting heated. I additionally wrote him to watch his pathetic behaviour - from german to german you know - but it's obvious it was futile.
Well, most times things like this get sorted out by themselves...evolution... :)

Posted: 04/07/2006 - 16:26
by Chris Abbott
Right. Since the_lightforce was obviously (name removed), I deleted both (name removed)'s account and the_lightforce's.

One more word out of him and I will go in the back end database and delete every single (name removed) post ever.

It's taking all my willpower not to do it now.


Posted: 04/07/2006 - 17:43
by Makke
I also love how I'm now being threatened by an "unnamed" person for wanting to be removed from the Radio (name removed) mailinglist (which I didn't ask to be signed up to in the first place).

Posted: 04/07/2006 - 18:00
by Chris Abbott
Makke wrote:I also love how I'm now being threatened by an "unnamed" person for wanting to be removed from the Radio (name removed) mailinglist (which I didn't ask to be signed up to in the first place).
Delusional Sociopath wrote: crap threatening WAR on this forum
Anyone here think Radio (name removed) should be supported in any way at all? Or should we "delete * from user_posts where username='(name removed)'"?


Posted: 04/07/2006 - 18:07
by tas
At first i had some sympathy for him.. But he's gone totally the wrong way about things.

Chris i think its fair to say if he's not obided by the rules on the forum and has indeed shown himself as a whatever then support for him and his station should be withdrawn imho.

Posted: 04/07/2006 - 18:25
by weblaus
Chris Abbott wrote:Anyone here think Radio (name removed) should be supported in any way at all? Or should we "delete * from user_posts where username='(name removed)'"?
I think you should keep the old posts around as proof that you're right about all this... the banner below certainly wouldn't be missed, though.

When I told him to be removed from the spam list, I was told that I'm apparently one of the poeple who didn't know what was good for them - I'd say I damn well do know in this (nut-)case...

Shame I missed his lattest/last outburst before it got wiped away, though..

Posted: 04/07/2006 - 19:26
by Chris Abbott
weblaus wrote:
Chris Abbott wrote:Anyone here think Radio (name removed) should be supported in any way at all? Or should we "delete * from user_posts where username='(name removed)'"?
I think you should keep the old posts around as proof that you're right about all this... the banner below certainly wouldn't be missed, though.

When I told him to be removed from the spam list, I was told that I'm apparently one of the poeple who didn't know what was good for them - I'd say I damn well do know in this (nut-)case...

Shame I missed his lattest/last outburst before it got wiped away, though..
Actually, that was off-forum. Still shocking tho'.


Posted: 04/07/2006 - 19:49
by Vosla
Missed the whole thing...

Quite saddening evolution of events.

And a waste of C64 fan base because this might separate people from each other where they should join forces for the survival of the machine.

Nobody should think we scored a win here.
It's a loss - regardless of who is the culprit.

If (name removed) refrains from talking behind our backs, I think it should be okay to keep a link to his radio station as a link to another C64 remix resource.

I wish he would have tried harder to get a grip on understanding other people's point of view especially as far as the POV the people of Remix64 and RKO have as basic commons.
Trolling was the last bad idea...

Posted: 04/07/2006 - 20:51
by Dumper
I'm surprised by his behavior, i don't know what happened as i haven't followed his posts. But you certainly don't need any spamming rubbish so it seems you had no choice but to ban him.