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Posted: 05/07/2006 - 0:55
by Ziphoid
...and exactly what are you trying to do here, Manuel? Showing the world how mature you are?

I won't even bother. You're not worth it. Pathetic. VERY impressive of you to use a proxy.

/ Ziphoid

Posted: 05/07/2006 - 1:39
by Dimmignatt
Elly73 wrote:If I hate something is it this kind of judge I've seen here!!!

And I will NOT ACCEPT that...NEVER!!!

Please accept that you're behaviour is childish..
I feel sorry for the people that know you, don't bite the hand that feed you!
That saying isn't really familiar to you is it ??

Posted: 05/07/2006 - 3:24
by Analog-X64
What happened here? cant we all just get along? no need to burn bridges.

This community is small as it is, and the fact that it is here because of our beloved Commodore 64 computer which was produced well over 20 years ago is nothing but remarkable as well thanks to all the people who generously donate they're time and money and share with everyone else.

So no need for this childish behaviour. Reminds of my pre-teen years of my C64 is better than your Atari 800xl Days.

Posted: 05/07/2006 - 4:57
by Romeo Knight
I hope those "(name removed) Retro Radio" or whatever banners have already been removed.

Posted: 05/07/2006 - 6:38
by Skyscraper

I´ve just read this thread and I´m very unlucky with it.

It´s not good that the community between us is over and I´m not sure what has it efforted ?

We are diffent radio stations and yours is really good.
With your very good remixes we will make discussions about the szene and I´m happy wenn I can make good shows !

Could I rescue it between us ?

I´m very unhappy when it is over with our friendship.

Please let it see that we can solve it !

I´m a big fan from you Romeo Knight !
Your remix about Bionic Commando is really the best one that I have ever heard !

I´m so sorry that it come to this problems !

Posted: 05/07/2006 - 7:03
by tas
I think the damage has already been done Skyscraper. Remix64 has supported radio (name removed) by adding banners and placing Front page news and in turn Manuel has responded with threatening/arrogant behaviour not just to the staff at remix64 but also to isome of its visitors.

We all have disputes at time to time (I've had more than my fair share over the years) but you've got to conduct yourself with some dignity on a public forum.

Its time now for Manuel to go away sit down, think on it and reflect on his actions. I'm sure in the future if he conducts himself much more profesionally and returns in a better light then he would be given another chance but right now i suggest he stops all the stupidity and childish behaviour.

Posted: 05/07/2006 - 7:07
by Romeo Knight
It's just ridicilous everything here.


It's up to you to influence your friend Manuel to stop spamming, insulting people and to change his immature, distressing behaviour. He's classic troll IMO.
I'm no admin, so it's not in my power to do anything about this.
All I know is that Manuel is a person I'd never wanted to have anything to do with in real life - same on the board.

Posted: 05/07/2006 - 7:28
by Skyscraper
I´m shame about it that was happened.

It´s very far from me to speak bad about your community !

I´m a person that tried to make the best of it in all situations.

I´m very sad that it came to this end about us.

I´ve think that we have a good community together with you !

It isn´t good that it will be come to this !


Posted: 05/07/2006 - 7:31
by LMan
@Skyscraper: your effort is well appreciated. You're very welcome here.

Posted: 05/07/2006 - 7:37
by Chris Abbott

Just in case anyone was in any doubt: that's what this individual writes in private messages. Anyone still think this is fixable?


Posted: 05/07/2006 - 7:39
by Makke

No one is blaming you for Manuel's actions.

Posted: 05/07/2006 - 7:44
by Skyscraper
I cannot do for this all - I´m Stephan !

Thanks LMan but is isn´t good that it will be come to this end.

I hope that I can speak with Manuel about it.

Maybe he is thinking about this situation.

I´m meaning this all comes only about misunderstandings.

I cannot make it for each right.

Is it possible you can hear my show tomorrow (it´s Chris Hülsbeck time) !
I´m speaking all the time about the maestro and make good music about Hülsi !

Well it is RADIO (name removed) but I will be happy that you can hear my show !