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Electrobreaks - Survival Instinct

Posted: 12/07/2006 - 19:19
by binster
Ello folks,

I've just finished a new track, and I thought you'd like to hear it.


It features a sample from Air's "Alone in Kyoto" and vocals from the god-awful movie "Leprechaun in the Hood".

Enjoy, and let me know what you think!


Posted: 12/07/2006 - 21:31
by Paul Vanukoff
Very very very nice nice nice!

Lep' in the hood was hilarious though. Of course I am bit a of a cheesy horror movie lover.

"I'll take it from you, homie, you'll see, cause you know the Leprechaun is the real O.G."


Posted: 13/07/2006 - 9:47
by Firefox
Hey Binster,

I've heard this one before. You had it on your homepage I guess. Well like always it's well produced and the mix is tight :D ... I really love this!

Brings me back to the days I ysed to break dance and do the headspin 8) ....

Keep it up man!!!


Posted: 13/07/2006 - 16:33
by Analog-X64
Firefox wrote:Brings me back to the days I ysed to break dance and do the headspin 8) ....
Ahhhh... doing headspins...that explains a lot about you now.......JUST KIDDING!!! :)

But Seriously...I like this track. Very well done.

Posted: 13/07/2006 - 17:43
by Dafunk
yah! thiz iz dah_shitt! the kind of stuff i like, gr8 m8! 8-D

Posted: 13/07/2006 - 17:56
by binster
Heh, cheers fellers! I like to keep you all boogying... ;)

It's been on my myspace for a while now, in WIP status, but I finally pulled my finger out and finished it the other day.

Binster :)