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Happy Firefox Day!

Posted: 14/07/2006 - 0:18
by Kenz
Birthday greetings to my web browser and Clint Eastwoods plane!

(Oh, and the other Firefox of course!) ;)

Have a good one! :D

Posted: 14/07/2006 - 0:33
by Floaf
Have a really nice birthday! :D

I hope you are coming to the GBG-Gathering too!

Posted: 14/07/2006 - 0:54
by Ginger Wench
Have a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Posted: 14/07/2006 - 1:14
by Matrix
Hey m8, have a PHENOMENA'L Birthday ......

... where DOEs that talent come from .... what an enigma ;)

WHHAAAAT - someone had to do it ;)

Posted: 14/07/2006 - 4:39
by Boz
HB, Firefox!

Posted: 14/07/2006 - 6:14
by LMan
When I saw it's Firefox' birthday, I wanted to shout: "First one who makes a web browser joke has to pay for a round!". Well Kenz spoiled that. Thanks a lot for that, Kenz. I hope you're proud of yourself now. :lol:


Posted: 14/07/2006 - 6:49
by Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson
But hey, Firefox was around long before that Netscape-clone...

JIMMY - Happy birthday, man! May all 70'ies stereo-tuners be with you, forever! :wink:


Posted: 14/07/2006 - 6:51
by ifadeo
happy birthday firefox!!!! have a great one.... :D

:cheers: ifadeo

Posted: 14/07/2006 - 7:17
by FFRenzy
Happy birthday, Firefox !!

Posted: 14/07/2006 - 7:18
by Kenz
LMan / Remix64 wrote:When I saw it's Firefox' birthday, I wanted to shout: "First one who makes a web browser joke has to pay for a round!". Well Kenz spoiled that. Thanks a lot for that, Kenz. I hope you're proud of yourself now. :lol:
Very proud - especially as I managed a double-whammy by mentioning the MiG-31 as well. :D

Er, I'll get the drinks in then. ;)


Posted: 14/07/2006 - 8:06
by Dumper
Happy birthday Mr fox on fire. :)

Posted: 14/07/2006 - 8:26
by merman
LOL, Kenz beat me to it...

Did you know "firefox" is another name for the red panda?

Happy Birthday Firefox!


Posted: 14/07/2006 - 9:46
by xo
Have firery foxy birthday, eh cheers. :beer:

Posted: 14/07/2006 - 9:47
by Dafunk
happy birthday fireroxx m8! :D

Posted: 14/07/2006 - 10:28
by the_JinX
Have a great birthday..