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Desert Dreams VIDEO remix released!

Posted: 04/08/2006 - 6:40
by prefim
Yes folks, its eventually here!

Was going to be released at a demo party but ended up not happening so here it is for all to see.

We took the basic timing and shots of the original Kefrens demo and remade it. Chris Crusher did the music as well as some sound effects while I did the visuals.

you can check it out by clicking on the link


You can get it on google video but it shows as a 4:3 video :(

If you want to see the best quality widescreen version, download it from my site via the link above.

I'd love to hear what people think of this.

And yes the melon is still in it! :)



Posted: 04/08/2006 - 9:37
by Analog-X64
Awesome!!! Thanks for sharing.

Posted: 04/08/2006 - 10:29
by LMan
Kick ass! Well done! :D

Posted: 04/08/2006 - 11:20
by Kenz
DAMN FINE!!! Great work as always Mat. Do you want me to bung it on YouTube? - I could sort out the aspect ratio for ya if you like.

Posted: 04/08/2006 - 13:34
by Matrix
I just sent the link to laxity - will let you know what he thinks ;) - for my part, DAMN FINE JOB !! :D

Posted: 04/08/2006 - 17:33
by Dr.Future
Fantastic work. I really enjoyed the show... :D

Posted: 04/08/2006 - 17:42
by xo
Very cool work!

Posted: 04/08/2006 - 18:30
by AmiGamer
That rules!!!!
Ever thought about creating an up-to-date oddyssey clip? That was my all-time favourite Amiga demo...
Oh, and in case you consider doing it.. contact me for the soundtrack, will you ;)

Posted: 04/08/2006 - 19:22
by FFRenzy
AmiGamer wrote:That rules!!!!
Ever thought about creating an up-to-date oddyssey clip? That was my all-time favourite Amiga demo...
Oh, and in case you consider doing it.. contact me for the soundtrack, will you ;)
AFAIK that is already in the works.....there is a thread about that somewhere on the board here, just don't know where ATM.

[edit] Found it viewtopic.php?t=3468&highlight=

Posted: 04/08/2006 - 19:22
by Vosla
:D Superbly done!

Posted: 04/08/2006 - 19:41
by FFRenzy
VERY nice movie :D
But i think the problems you are having with Youtube have to do with the codec you used. I tried the clip in several players, and the ONLY one it plays correctly in is WMP ( which i despise ).
Other players 1) do NOT play the clip 2) Play only the sound 3) Play it in 4:3

Any chance of reencoding it into something like DivX or XviD ?

Posted: 05/08/2006 - 2:37
by Hazel
Damn.. I always wanted to make a remake of that demo (one of my favourites) but no need to do that now.. :)

This video kicks serious ass.. It would have made a good experience at any demo party.. NIIIIIIIICE... :)

Posted: 05/08/2006 - 13:02
by AmiGamer
Hi, and thanks for the thread url.. i watched the outtake and holy shit, this is gonna be awesome...
And Hazel, why not create your own version of it too? Look at us remixers here at , some themes are covered dozens of times by different people! ;)

Posted: 05/08/2006 - 16:59
by prefim
Thanks for all the positive comments folks. I'm stoked that so many people like it.

With regards to playback. I've tested it in WMP and BSplayer, both play it at the correct aspect. I'm reluctant to letterbox it for google video as they use a low resolution anyway and I don't want to compress out more pixels than I have to.

if all else fails, VLC should play it back!

And yes, odyssey is in the works but its a LOOOOOONG process as I've trimmed it down from 60 minutes to 35!

Posted: 05/08/2006 - 16:59
by daXX
hi guys.. the music is allready in work for the odyssey remake... :)

daxx alias Chris Crusher