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Posted: 05/10/2006 - 19:00
by the_JinX
Since there is no topic about this yet..
For the 8th time we welcome you to another X party weekend among the cows for the 5th time in a lonely corner of The Netherlands

On 13, 14 and 15 october we will open the old country track to the farm and give you : X-2006
I know a lot of people from #slayradio and here will be coming..

I'm looking forward to meeting Ziphoid and Morpheus, as well as SpeedySan, FFrenzy, Misser, A0D, BST, DeTron and a lot more..

Posted: 06/10/2006 - 12:52
by Marcel Donné
Just had confirmation that "I'm in" as well :)

phew! ;) See you all there next week!

Posted: 08/10/2006 - 21:47
by FFRenzy
Only a few more days :D

Posted: 09/10/2006 - 9:57
by Ziphoid
Marcel Donné wrote:Just had confirmation that "I'm in" as well :)

phew! ;) See you all there next week!
Ahh, that's great news! Now, it's only too bad that Reyn couldn't make it due to his tour on Corsica...

REALLY looking forward to meet ya all, again and for the first time... :)

Posted: 09/10/2006 - 18:16
by FFRenzy
Andreas Wallström wrote:I'm especially looking forward meeting Ffrenzy...
Why does that statement give me the creeps ? :wink:

Posted: 09/10/2006 - 22:20
by FFRenzy
Andreas Wallström wrote:Because you're denying your true calling in life.
well, it sure as hell isn't calling "Wallström, Wallström" :wink:

Posted: 13/10/2006 - 7:52
by Marcel Donné
And I have just come down with a bad case of the flu. fever, shivers and all :(

Hope I feel better on Saturday, maybe I can make my way down there then but as it stands right now, I'm not fit to drive (or drink... boo-hoo!) :(

Posted: 15/10/2006 - 20:09
by FFRenzy
Just came home, and i had a bloody GREAT weekend.
It was good being together with A0d, Bst, Gulrak, Herbaculum, Misser, Ranzbak, SpeedySan, The_Jinx, The_Lex, Tron, Wallstrom and Ziphoid, chatting with other people, seeing the compos ( check them out ), seeing Jeroen Tel perform and just generally having lots of fun !

And a big hand for for winning 3rd place in the demo competition ! :D

Another big hand for the Subversive elements who FINALLY finished "they're taking the SID to isengard" and got 5th place ( nice work this weekend, Anton ) :D

Posted: 15/10/2006 - 20:13
by Chris Abbott
FFRenzy wrote:Just came home, and i had a bloody GREAT weekend.
It was good being together with A0d, Bst, Gulrak, Herbaculum, Misser, Ranzbak, SpeedySan, The_Jinx, The_Lex, Tron, Wallstrom and Ziphoid, chatting with other people, seeing the compos ( check them out ), seeing Jeroen Tel perform and just generally having lots of fun !

And a big hand for for winning 3rd place in the demo competition ! :D

Another big hand for the Subversive elements who FINALLY finished "they're taking the SID to isengard" and got 5th place ( nive work this weekend, Anton ) :D
Hopefully someone asked Jeroen Tel about the next BIT Live!


Posted: 15/10/2006 - 20:20
by the_JinX
It was the party of the year for me..
Had a great time..
Met a lot of new people..
Finaly shook hands with some people I only knew from IRC, forums and mail.

It was a blast !!

Posted: 15/10/2006 - 20:24
by FFRenzy
Chris Abbott wrote:
Hopefully someone asked Jeroen Tel about the next BIT Live!

Erm......not me.
Maybe Andreas or Ziphoid did ?

Posted: 15/10/2006 - 20:49
by trace
I am looking forward to se the winner of the c64 compo if they will be available then? :)

Posted: 15/10/2006 - 20:58
by FFRenzy
trace wrote:I am looking forward to se the winner of the c64 compo if they will be available then? :)
The entries are available at the link to CSDB i posted....but for convenience, here it is again :