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Show us your beloved C64 in here.

Posted: 07/11/2006 - 15:16
by Firefox
Here is where you post a pic or a few of them, on your beloved C64 machine.

This is my First 64

This is my 2nd 64 (A German Aldi version, only sold by the superstore Aldi in Germany I have read.)

Im currently looking for a C64G like the one below.

Also looking for this.

Here is the model range:

C64 (Revision A) - 1982 - This model was recalled by Commodore after discovering a fault. Recognizable by the silver logos.

C64 - 1982 - The old model C64 - Markings: Brown color, bread-box model, rainbow logo.

C64 SX - 1984 - The portable version of the C64 with build in disk drive en color-monitor.

C64 C - 1986 - The new model C64 - Markings: White color, slim-line model, Personal Computer logo.

C64 G - 1986 - The old model C64 with a new color (beige) and the new type motherboard.

C64 ALDI - 1986 - The German supermarket chain ALDI sold it's own version of the C64. The only difference was the it had the white keyboard instead of the black keyboard.

C64 GS - 1990 - A C64 without a keyboard. An attempt to attack the game consoles like the Nintendo Entertainment System. Keyboard was discarded and the cartridge -port was on top of the system. Most games used the keyboard so only a few were available for the C64 GS and the system was pulled of the shelfs of the shops after poor sales.

De Golden C64 - 1985 - A special limited edition of the C64 to celebrate the 1.000.000 sale of the C64 in Germany. Because there are only about 200 made this is a collectors item.

Educator - 1983 - Also known as PET64 or 4064. This is a C64 in a PET housing with build-in green monitor. It was meant to be used at schools.

Max machine - 1983 - This is a Japanese version of the C64 with another housing. It had a keyboard which was terrible to use also there was only a little bit of memory. The only use was as a game console like the C64 GS.

C64 Japan - 1982 - The Japanese version of the C64 has an altered keyboard and CHAR ROM. This made the Japanese characters availabale on the C64. But lots of software was made outside Japan and was not compatible withe the altered version. Most of the Japanese C64 were modified to the normal model.

Drean C64 - 1983 - To get around high import taxes for complete computer systems the Argentinean company Drean assembled original commodore parts and self made part to create a complete C64.

Drean C64 C - 1986 - Also the new model was assembled by the Drean company. But with the use of the old model motherboard.

C64 LCD - 198? - There is also a laptop version of the C64 with a LCD screen. But only as a proto-type and only 1 was ever made.

C64 Australian - 1986 - Commodore announced the new model C64 C. This was for an Australian company the reason to produce a new looking housing. You could upgrade the old model C64 into the new model.

Web-it - 1998 - Internet PC with build in C64 emulator to connect to your television set.

The special editions: In Great Britain many C64 were sold as special editions, mostly around Christmas. These special editions had a bigger box which contained a C64, Datasette, Joysticks and games. Well known editions are: Terminator, Batman, Nightmoves, TestPilot, Compendium ect.

Tell me wich model you've got and maybe a picure of it.


Posted: 07/11/2006 - 16:20
by FFRenzy
Haven't read the list fully yet, but there's a least one more, the DX-64.
This is the ( very rare, about 1500 made ) 2 drive version of the SX-64 ( less rare, about 9000 made )

Posted: 07/11/2006 - 20:46
by the_JinX
I'm quite content with my 128D (not the Cost Reduced, but the noisy fanned one.. with buildtin 1571) and old model C64 (UK) + 1541 some datasettes and a bunch of origional tapes. and a 1084 monitor.
I'll get a picture page up in a while and I'll promote it here :P

I also have a MMC64, RR and RRnet and various carts..
I recently got a "C64 programmers refference guide" from Exile/Anubis via mail..
I wish I had more time to get into coding the 6510 and abusing the VIC2 :)

Posted: 08/11/2006 - 8:34
by Yoshi
I have a 1084S monitor and a bunch of copied tapes and disks.
Nothing else as I sold the rest.. (sorry) :)

Posted: 08/11/2006 - 22:51
by Misser
Should I really post pictures of the C64 stuff i and Tron got in here? :twisted:

Posted: 09/11/2006 - 0:40
by Analog-X64
I'd have to open a separate thread to post everything here. :D

But to make it short and sweet. I have Regular C64 which I Purchased in 1983 and I have a C64C which was going to be thrown out believe it or not.

I have a Closet that looks like an Arcade barfed in it....if enough people are interested I may post a picture ;)

Posted: 09/11/2006 - 10:21
by Firefox
Misser wrote:Should I really post pictures of the C64 stuff i and Tron got in here? :twisted:
Hehe, Well Misser. I heard from John that you recently picket up alot of machines even a SX-64???

Why not post a picture? shure you can :D


Posted: 09/11/2006 - 20:28
by kufi
*comes out of hiding*

Ah, the possibility to share some historic documents :)


This is me, playing with my dad's C64 (brown breadbin with grey f-keys). Picture must have been taken sometime in 1984 to 1985-ish.


And this is my own C64 (white breadbin, G-model), bought from my own money in 1990 (i was 10 years old then). I was *very* proud of this thing... sadly i sold it in 1994 in order to get a PC - which luckily never happened and i got an A1200 instead...

I won't bother you with the stuff i got now, the list is *way* too long...

Posted: 09/11/2006 - 20:30
by Waz
I too have a limited edition C64, this one!


It's one of the two original C64s owned by Ben Daglish, which he auctioned off on Lemon 64 to the two highest bidders, namely myself and Chappers.

The two of us had a great day meeting up with Ben, he did a practice session with the band Cold Flame and we munched out in Glossop and then got the C64s. Amazingly, the one I have works perfectly and I've done some SID recordings on it before now..

Posted: 09/11/2006 - 21:06
by Max Levin
I think I have nr.4
Two of them, actually.

Posted: 10/11/2006 - 0:38
by Retrovertigo
Waz wrote:I too have a limited edition C64, this one!


It's one of the two original C64s owned by Ben Daglish, which he auctioned off on Lemon 64 to the two highest bidders, namely myself and Chappers.

The two of us had a great day meeting up with Ben, he did a practice session with the band Cold Flame and we munched out in Glossop and then got the C64s. Amazingly, the one I have works perfectly and I've done some SID recordings on it before now..
I only dropped out of the biding because i thought Lars won... ?

They went for absolutely nothing in the end.

Posted: 10/11/2006 - 1:57
by Matrix
I dont have any photos of mine (sadly), but it was this one:

Got the grey paddles with it and the C2N datasette along with some bally midway submarine game...

Posted: 10/11/2006 - 14:53
by Firefox
Waz wrote:I too have a limited edition C64, this one!


It's one of the two original C64s owned by Ben Daglish, which he auctioned off on Lemon 64 to the two highest bidders, namely myself and Chappers.

The two of us had a great day meeting up with Ben, he did a practice session with the band Cold Flame and we munched out in Glossop and then got the C64s. Amazingly, the one I have works perfectly and I've done some SID recordings on it before now..
That is really cool! :D ......

Just keep em' comin'

Posted: 10/11/2006 - 18:42
by dan gillgrass
Retrovertigo wrote: I only dropped out of the biding because i thought Lars won... ?

They went for absolutely nothing in the end.
Its cuz ur an Oirish bastid u never got anywhere ;)