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Systemshock work in progress

Posted: 20/12/2006 - 21:05
by Infamous
This is a very early version of my next system shock remix, my 3rd one so far (yeah i love this game and its atmosphere just begs to be used over and over).

moving away from the usual med section ive gone for something a little different entirely.

so far there is no bassline whatsoever because thats going to be something special so im working extra hard on it, all you got here is all the highpass and midrange stuff, the bass comes last. ... 3.mp3.html

is where you can find it.

plenty of work to be done, im basing the whole thing around the personal battles between the bio mass and shodan, carefully picked the samples to realise that vision, hopefully you'll be able to see it as i do.

anyway... as i say lots to be done id call this a v0.01 version.

so any constructive critisismn or idea's i am willing to take on board.

Posted: 20/12/2006 - 23:40
by Vosla
Infamous? Systemshock? Remix?
Downloading now... 8)

Posted: 21/12/2006 - 1:56
by Analog-X64
For those having difficulties with Rapidshare. You can leech from here:

-> Download Link here <-

If the Link does not work properly sometime it works if you copy/paste the link to you're browsers URL bar and hit enter. Not sure why but that is how it works.

Update DEC-22-2006: Link Updated with Latest Version.

Posted: 22/12/2006 - 16:15
by Infamous
cheers for that analog m8

ive updated the tune slightly, added a little more bass to it, changed the drumbeat because the original one was annoying me (didnt like that clickyness there so its a little more straight laced).

whats left to do -

beef up the 2nd string line, whenever i get the edirol to work properly that'll happen

change the drumbeat around slightly so its not the same thing over and over again.

sort through my shodan/many samples and pick out the right ones, theres a couple of "i am shodans" that are just place holders... there will be other stuff there in the final version.

fiddle about with the filters a bit more

add the sub bass line (yeehaw)

finish it.

heres the next incarnation anyway .. not totally different to the 1st one but you can at least tell the difference. extra points for knowing what section the string line at the beginings from. ... 3.mp3.html

Posted: 22/12/2006 - 18:50
by Vosla
You know, I'm a Systemshock-whore! Go on, m8! :D

Posted: 22/12/2006 - 22:23
by Dumper
Just listened to the first version you did and it captures the SS atmosphere brilliantly, certainly needs some bass as you said but i'm really looking forward to the updates.

Posted: 23/12/2006 - 2:15
by Infamous
hehe thanks, looks like im going to have to improvise new strings as my computer is having a full on spak attack.

no matter how many times i tell it that my vsti folder isnt called %vsti% it dont listen to me, changes the directory to that and then tells me "your hard drive is full, or write protected please give me a brain not used by some kind of mutant monkey and try again" (see the link i did there?)

i thought maybe it was just that vsti but it seems anything i try to install that does the old 2 directory trick is having a fit.. full hardrive? its 300gig and not even a fraction full.. twat!.

anyway.. im beavering away at it as best i can.. should be 100% done before the new year.

got a couple of other things to finish quickly.

Posted: 23/12/2006 - 11:21
by Max Levin
Vosla wrote:You know, I'm a Systemshock-whore! Go on, m8! :D
Same goes here(this is unlikely news for you but...) keep 'em blasting!
Btw, was it Reason you use?

Posted: 01/01/2007 - 20:41
by Vosla
Just asking if you have sorted out that vsti probs there, infy. :wink:
Already loved the remix so far... :D

Posted: 02/01/2007 - 13:22
by Condor
This would score very god with my scale...

Here is what would I improve:

1. I don't like that 1:27 sound, it is annoying :shock:
2. That fenmale vocal sample (that says ecstasy) is bad. It is not loud and sounds like a robot that is going to explode. I'd remove it.
3. Let the drums surprise listener. And when the drums came, you should add some fat synth sound :twisted: Yeah, more dark elements in it.

Sorry, but this won't get the highest mark... Small improvements and it will be remembered.
However, this is my opinion :)

Posted: 04/01/2007 - 2:56
by Infamous
working on this very slowly.

just to quickly recamp for a second there isnt anyone saying ecstasy in this tune thats the main protagonist from the game this tunes based around "shodan" saying her name and alot of that has been removed from the version ive looked at lately.

Im having a few problems keeping it from distorting because the hi pass'ed bassline is still generating a bass signature despite being all the way up "there" in signal but once ive sorted that one out i reckon its not that far off from complete.

got a 2nd drumbeat in there now, and its at a 4minute length with a beginning a middle and an end its just making it all coherent and xerxes is your uncle.

Posted: 04/01/2007 - 13:33
by Condor
Will tell my opinion when it comes out :)