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Posted: 22/01/2007 - 3:58
by Infamous

need i say anymore.

prepare to have your face melted 8)

Posted: 22/01/2007 - 5:43
by StormKeeper
Nice... I've downloaded it too!

Posted: 22/01/2007 - 10:02
by smila
cheers infamous , i knew i'd forget to post the news somewhere.
enjoy peeps , and have fun finding all the secrets :)

Posted: 22/01/2007 - 10:06
by StuC_Ovine
Excellent music Infamous :)

We defaulted the music to "Darkside" which was the remix Infamous did a while ago.

Use the in game menu to change it to "NEW" (sorry I didnt knwo the title of the music) for the new driller inspired track.

Choose SID of course for the original music (recorded using HARDSID)

All music can be downloaded from the microsite

Posted: 22/01/2007 - 10:10
by Dumper
Thanks Infy, i'm looking forward to trying it out.

Posted: 22/01/2007 - 13:01
by Analog-X64
Thanks for the Link. Off to download :)